What are doing with these delves!?

T2?! There is legitimately zero possibility you are telling the truth. None.

When you speak for many (“A whole lot…”) supply data

I did expect it to scale up with more people, but expected class abilities to ultimately make it easier.

Instead of scaling up, mob health and damage scales down with more people.


Absolutely, especially certain classes being bad in solo content. Priests and Rogues have it the worst with 1 interrupt on long cooldowns.

CC/Interrupts/Defensives are the name of the game for Solo Delves. Unfortunately, not all classes are created equal. Ie my Frost Mage had it easier than my Fury Warrior even though my Warrior has superior gear. (An ideal world would be each Delve tuned individually for each spec, but thats like asking for 8 Mage Towers. It’s unfortunately unrealistic)

Im assuming thats a bug that will get fixed. Even with it fixed it will still remain easier as a group.

Whats funny is an 8 delve is equal to a +5 keystone.

Now solo players can get m+ ilevel loot without touching group content.

They are solo friendly, that doesn’t mean the delves can’t rewards a group for going in since this is a mmo after all. That doesn’t make it any less solo friendly though.

If they nerf it too much people will complain its too easy and theres no good solo content in this game.

If its too hard WEEK ONE people will scream for nerfs.

Really cant win with yall can you?


Can a moderately competent casual in normal dungeon gear get the gear they need to run delves from running delves or not?

Did you expect the trash and bosses to have less health for a group than when soloing?

So then nobody will be doing it. What else will they do to try to make the content seem successful? Come on, they need a participation spike to justify the investment in this new content. They already made the ilvl required to do heroic dungeons higher than players can get from doing normal dungeons, but I kind of doubt players whose best gear is half normal dungeon gear are going to get as far as forum poster think they will toward getting high enough gear to run heroic dungeons.

They changed it today to reduce the health of mobs significantly when they are run in groups. How do you not know this? This actually happened.


I sure did, and said my point earlier.

The point of delves was to be hard solo content; when solo, it is hard so you have something to progress, and in groups, it is easier, because groups are trying to just get it done and not challenge themselves with delves.

To me, this makes complete sense. You get to do LFR to experience the raid without effort because you don’t want to challenge yourself learning with a team while I do mythic because I want to learn with a team, and in exchange I get to do delves quick and painlessly and leave you with your harder solo content to enjoy.

Stacking class abilities will make grouping easier. For sure.

Perfect balance is impossible.

The health and damage is likely a bug, but it’s a pretty big deal blizz has made no commment on, not even a “we are aware” post.

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Well, as we learned from a certain Diablo 4 presentation, Blizzard developers are very bad at math, so I’m not surprised they screwed this up so badly.

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Yes, they can; they can start with 4s/5s and get to 600 ilvl before progressing to the 1s that drop 606.

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Cool, like i said probably a bug. Even if they revert and add another 50% health it would still be easier as a group.

Several things could come to play. Sometimes fixing a bug breaks something else, so the lesser problem stays. That’s one of the reasons you sometimes see really old bugs suddenly fixed. Something new was figured out and applied retroactively, or a previous conflict is removed. Sometimes it’s not deemed a priority and gets forgotten. Two big bugs in Shadowlands that I reported often are still there. :woman_shrugging:

i don’t think these people have actually read the wowhead article or know what’s going on.

yes, solo content would be easier with a group. they arent going to double mob health and damage for a duo, triple for 3 etc… but it should be INCREASED when you add another player, not decreased.

Right now, if I had a second account, it would be an easier run to just park that character at the entrance and then “solo” the delve with my other account… sounds broken, doesn’t it?


Could this be because they think (whether it is true or not) that the type of players who do specifically two-player content are one really bad person and one kind of resentful person carrying them, so specifically two-player delves have to go ultra-smoothly, or the resentful person will abandon the other one?

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It was adjusted on release of season 1 (the day t4+ opened). Not today.

Check the patch notes again.

Imo solo scaling is fine. They just need to increase hp and such based on player count. (Like it’s week 1 and a many number of us have 8’s on farm already)

Boom. Done.

These posts about it being “too hard” or the sky is falling because the scaling got oopsied will never stop.


Did the DPS on the Brewmaster increase?