What are doing with these delves!?

We’re talking tuning, not bugs. And yeah, they leave bugs in for sure, but a lot get fixed too when you put cynicism aside and look objectively.

You don’t but that’s when they’re going to be most impactful because a few week into the season no one would even bother with delves anymore. And anyway that has no bearing on the fact that the scaling is very obviously broken and there is no excuse for that.

Plunges the head of Kerathras under water until he breathes and struggles no longer.

Delve into this Kael’thas clone.

Hmm maybe unless they are all soulbind on pickup
:stuck_out_tongue: personally i wouldnʻt want this.

I think the big issue with it (it’s a personal issue, not a game issue) is that some people are realising through solo content that they may not be a good as they thought they were since there isn’t someone else to make up for their mistakes/skill/gear. It can be a bitter pill to swallow, some will realise this and work to get better in the department they lack… then others will always blame the game. (Kind of how like OG Mage Tower humbled a lot of people)

It’s safe to say that most though, are just going to work on getting better or gearing more and not stress about it.


So why not stick to lower delves til you have gear?

You mentioned progressing in your one post; progression requires stop-gaps; this is the current one.

Did… did you expect it to get harder with more people?

This IS solo content you can use to bypass LFG. Im honestly confused. As of right now t8 is soloable.

Heck the best gear atm comes from delves unless you do heroic raid. The vault awards a 616 item.

hands you a

because murder is wrong

Well. How often do we see complaints about “How could this have gone live like this?” And multiple players post that they reported it but it didn’t get fixed.

Blizzard needs new employees. Way way too many are totally incompetent or careless working there now.


you don’t know me. the issue is the scaling is off for groups, this is what this whole thread is about. did you even read the wowhead article?


Its not. The content can be completed.
Ive had 8 delves on solo farm since tuesday.
Got loremaster, treasures and what not done with the scaling.

Its more so because the scaling problem exists with more people, its getting blown way out of proportion. Like its week 1 of s1 and you CAN complete it. It would be a different story if it was near impossible.

So a handful of potatoes define the entire lfg community?
I play primarily from lfg. Between raids, lfr, m+, leveling dungeons.
99% of groups aren’t toxic.

Having standards isn’t toxic. Granted its unwarranted, that doesn’t make it toxic.

But it’s not that. It just happens to be the highest ilvl available before mythic raid and mplus opens. Next week every “progression” player will stop doing delves completely.

the mobs should have significantly more health in groups than solo yes.

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Not sure what you mean by this. This is the solo player endgame, if you’re soloing these, you don’t need other people or have to worry about gear, or what level you’re doing them at. If you can only do 5s, you do 5s. It’s about having a progression system available to solo players.

Also people are definitely going to be doing delves throughout the season. Like, all the time. Champion gear practically for free 4 times a week is insane, and we haven’t seen anything like it besides WQs giving huge gear in BFA if you got a lucky warforge. Tier 8 delves are always going to be relevant.

Lmao this is some joke here…

I can see who enjoys playing ARPGs in groups and they always smack talk others that prefer solo play and the usual solo player gets shafted by the developers while the group party gets showered in loot…

The scaling for solo is bad. And use your common sense and you should know that you should faceroll through the delves when you have 2 or more players… it might be a bit “too good to be true”

Can I say that so far this is a worse torghast? because so far it seems like that… meh powers, terrible scaling for solo, gear massively RNG dependant (and green gear capped at 554 without any chance to upgrade it) and groups complete facerolls it and can keep going as long as they have keys…

Man I can’t believe I’m gonna type this but… torghast doesnt seem that bad now… imagine a torghast with the same drops that delves have minus the RNG tweaks and scaling issues…

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It’s a combination of not being good enough to get pixels other people are getting, so FOMO and that some classes are just bad in solo content.

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This is balanced around solo bro. It was always going to be easier with a group. Everything always is in any competitive game.

I dont get what yall want.

T8 is kind of choosing hard mode though.

You can’t call T8 baseline.

A whole lot of solo players aren’t interested in this type of challenging content. Most of the people who like challenging content are already doing group content, i.e. mythic plus and raids.

I am not going to struggle with these. Some of my characters have a hard time getting through T2s. They need to make them easier in the lower tiers by far.