What are doing with these delves!?

Keep your Munchausen’s to yourself, you simpleton.

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I dont think you know what Munchausen’s is…

what was beta for? did no one run delves? lol

Correct. You don’t.

Are you serious? It’s not just harder because you don’t have the help of other people. The scaling itself is so badly tuned that mobs have less health and do less damage when you are in a group as opposed to the other way around. Please try reading and making sure you’ve actually comprehended everything before posting.


They’ve always been advertised as solo and group content since they were anounced at Blizzcon 2023 .

Maybe that’s why they made it so people could run them with a few of their friends .

I like my personal pan pizzia. Its like a dungeon w/o a que or people who want to go fast.

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You get 4 a day, gated by keys, and noone who cares will want this gear by mid next week at all.

It’s supposed to be solo content, you’re behind the suggested ilvl, why do people now want it to be faceroll?

Just admit none of you care about content, you just want loot for some reason to not use.


I don’t have the gear for Fury on my Warrior, but I’ve had very similar experiences playing Prot in some Tier 4s. I’m not expecting these to be faceroll easy, but if I’m getting utterly destroyed in Tier 4 as a tank, something is up.

It probably isn’t helping that my Brann is still level 15, but also, he doesn’t seem to be very useful in any way regardless.

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I predicted this. But nobody wanted to listen. They were all like, this is great solo content for casuals, because Blizzard said so.


Agreed. I expect something new like this to need a month or so of tuning at first. I definitely have had my share of frustrations with delves, but the issues aren’t insurmountable.

Now, had there been a public beta where this could have been tested under a real load, we might have already had them properly tuned. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I sure as hell didn’t. And I’d wager most people who prefer to play solo wanted easier not harder content. There can always be a hardmode for the the tryhards, there is no need for the baseline to be overtuned.

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They are. Its just a scaling issue. Not the end of the world.

Tbh you just seem disgruntled if you think lfg is primarily toxic.
You had a decent point, but ruined it with bad faith.


I do mm with a pet to tank and Brann to heal .
I’m doing 7s right now and will do those until I feel I’m geared enough to do higher plus I’ll have a 2 set come next week . Which hopefully will help .

So have all delve rewards up for sale on /trade and /services?

Isn’t it a tanks job to stand there and get pounded on like a training dummy ?

Maybe the thing to do is spec in for dps but set loot for tank .

You specifically predicted a buggy scaling issue than made delves artificially harder for solo players than groups of 2 or 3? I don’t believe you.

If you mean you predicted delves would be bad, then many people said the same thing.


You think so? That would be a first. They normally still leave bugs for after the content goes live.

I did predict that there would be drastic last minute changes. And a lot of posters insisted that wouldn’t happen, but I think drastic last minute changes are so common that’s not even debatable.

What I’m referring to was the fact that I predicted that despite Blizzard’s introduction of this content to players as THE new content specifically for solo and casual players, it would actually end up as progression content for raider and mythic±er types. And that this was part of the plan. I in fact didn’t forsee that it would be made much, much easier to do as a group.

Actually it kinda is because the entire expansion so far has been one big scaling issue.

What bad faith? Everyone who has ever signed up for anything on the WoW LFG tool knows how toxic it is. “Link AOTC” is literally a meme, lol.

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I have to feel like this is not intended, since it doesn’t really make sense to make the content even easier in a group than it already is vs solo.

People complaining that this invalidates it being solo content is just weird to me, I solo’d a bunch of tier 8s on my main today, with the appropriate gear and a high level Brann. It will likely be easier on some classes than others for sure, but doable, especially as we get deeper into the season, get more gear, level Brann up.

You don’t need to do tier 8s on release as a solo player. Do up to the level you can comfortably do.

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