What are doing with these delves!?

I have an unholy DK that I used to level up my tiers and I noticed the same thing. I swapped over to blood thinking it would be easy, but was dying in tier 4, switched back to unholy and was able to finish a tier 8, still died a lot and it wasn’t bountiful, but I made it through


Since when are options a bad thing? Omg content is harder solo; Who would have guessed? The whole argument is silly.

You ignored the part where I said they were overtuned lol.

Same time, people shouldn’t expect to clear 11’s unless they’re decked out in full heroic raid or something, unless delves are meant to be much easier than that.

Holy mother of mint oreos you take more damage solo than in a group what in the heck

As a solo dps you take I think 22% more damage than if you bring another dps and take less? Ehhh what?


Solo tanks take more damage, and deal less damage than DPS.


“Delves are group content now, gotcha!” -Blizzard, probably lol

Also who tf is gonna solo these on a healer? That’s just awful lol


Which is bizarre to me cause the whole point of tanking is to have that kit to take the damage but do less damage right? And they even nerfed tank mitigation and trinkets in TWW as well.


That’s how it has always been, historically.

Instead we got our sustainability gutted, do less damage than DPS, and take double the damage they do.


Well this just confirms it though, if you want an easier time definitely do NOT go solo atm lol.

Jokes on Blizzard tho I like a challenge and enjoy how tough they feel.

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blizz logic
“u think u want solo content but u dont, so party up”
blizzard being blizzard actually comical lol


You’re not a victim. You hold all the power, you just don’t realize it

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Ive been defending the whole “solo is harder” in other threads because I thought the group content was at least scaling UP the mobs, not DOWN. this is lame. now I think i really am disillusioned with delves. I guess ill go back to gathering with my druid until they get this sorted.

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Blizzard rushes their products to appease their shareholders for the next quarterly report. They create the problem then sell the solution later which their shills end up praising them for, instead of doing the quality testing needed before each expansion release. This is one of the main reasons why so many people are against normalizing early access in video games.


I mean this doesn’t look like creating a problem it just seems ridiculous and strange.

They created the problem by not doing the quality testing needed before each expansion release.

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People in groups want to be done quick, solo players asked for hard, solo content ← blizz obliged.

If anything, this seems smart to me; you get to have your challenge, we get to get through the content we don’t want to do quickly.

Also most of the complaints I’ve seen are 585-590ilvl people doing something advertised as 600+, on week 1, and claiming they wanted challenging solo content but also why can’t I lawnmower it Blizz?

They can’t win, man.


Activision Blizzard only has one shareholder now and they no longer have to file quarterly reports with the SEC. I can’t believe that Microsoft will close them down due to a bad quarterly return if actually they put some effort into their products.

It’s all tiers. Delves I could solo without much difficulty at tier 3 I can’t even do at tier 2 at all now. The regular trash has 830k health and hits like a ton of bricks. When they added the new tiers they messed the entire thing up. Considering they touted this as solo or group it should be soloable all the way to the highest tier, not two-shotting us in tier 2.


Here’s what I think: Don’t make groups harder, but bring up solo players instead of this upside down world they’ve created.

1 player = less hp/damage (including tank and healers esp since you did for group)
Group = prob about the same as now

Does this sound fair?

Unfortunately this doesn’t address the issue of tanks, healers, and DPS taking wildly different amounts of damage.