What are doing with these delves!?

I haven’t tried them in a group and not really interested in doing that but I watched a video and yeah, you can’t even compare the two, ie solo vs group. I’ve come to expect this from blizzard by now.

Honestly, this is only a slight exaggeration at this point… lol!

Welp time to continue to easily farm these in my 2’s group before blizzard makes that harder too.


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Which they should absolutely do.

If I switch to Brewmaster he hits me for 3m. He hits me for 1.5m on WW. Soooo I’d roll DPS if I were you until they fix it.


Oh I agree, I just hope it’s after this week when these things won’t matter in the slightest apart from the vault reward. I have multiple 80’s sitting with almost every slot at 603 or higher thanks to the hero map drops I keep getting so I’d hate to miss out on the easy times before they are fully geared this week.

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do you honestly think they’ll ‘fix’ this? this seems like it was deliberately done with intent.



This is reminding me of Torghast all over again.


Heck you couldn’t go higher then t3 until tuesday and people are going bat guano loco over not being able to solo over a t7 before the week is halfway over .

You know all these people wanting to fly through the levels of delves are probably going to be the same ones in a couple of weeks going " This expansion sucks there is nothing for us to do besides raid and die or m+ and die"

They’ll all Blame Blizz because of their need for instant gratification to get to the prize at the end instead of enjoying the journey to get there .


Content locusts, folks who play to consume all content as fast as possible, and complaining there’s nothing else after racing through all the content.

Expansion’s been out for ~17 days.

Delve scaling aside, we’re not meant to clear the hardest levels of it by now, it’s supposed to last until the end of the season I assume.


Explain to me how this tier of gear is going to change getting hit for 4.2m and 4.4m.

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They’ve turned it into the mage tower.


Fully upgraded 4-pc, max level on every piece, and fixing the scaling on Blizzard’s part.

Are delves overtuned? Yeah, most likely.

But at the same time, I highly doubt people are supposed to be clearing 11’s this soon.

Maybe towards the end of the season, sure.

But delves are advertised as seasonal content, just like the raids and PvP.

People aren’t killing Mythic Ansurek right now, are they?


Came here to post that. Glad someone already did. This needs to be addressed.

that’s disappointing. I wonder now if its the group scaling that’s to low or the solo that too high. I hope its the group scaling. Id rather they didnt make it any easier, but thats just me.

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This literally won’t change it though.

I had shield wall and demo shout up.

Where am I going to get the extra 30m hp and 50% damage mitigation needed to make your supposed fix work?

Not everyone can afford a Ferrari.

When you can’t afford a Ferrari you don’t ask for it to be turned into a Honda, and you certainly don’t ask for yours to be turned into a Ferrari.

You simply get in your Honda, stay in the right hand lane, make your way to work and save up for the Ferrari.

This is the path. God speed


Are you okay? Are you having a stroke?


After the season started, Delves are a total waste of time for me. I thought they really wanted to put something in the game for the solo casual player. Not hit me for maximum health in three seconds. The T3 delves are more difficult today than they were on Monday. I could ease through them on Monday. Today, I could barely finish a T2.

I guess they are trying to push solo players out so I’ll just not renew my annual subscription with the current game play.