What are doing with these delves!?

But they did say it would be solo friendly content and it has been anything but. This entire experience so far has clearly demonstrated that they either don’t know or don’t care who solo players are, what their skill level is, and what they want out of this game. And quite frankly, all signs point to the latter because they have the data and it shows everything very plainly.


scaling is borked, i have a screen shot of a 601 pally tank getting hit for 21m

Lol, I am struggling with tier 4 at 571 ilvl.

Why does everyone assume that solo-friendly means easy at the highest tiers? There are tiers for a reason, lol.

Because lower tiers are just a waste of your time since you can get better gear from world quests. So to recap: lower tiers are pointless and higher tiers are impossible. Great system! /s


Ah ok, it’s only fun if you constantly get easy instant upgrades.

sadly…they seem less and less inclined to
field coherent processes.


Well yeah because the activity itself is not fun at all, especially if you’ve done it multiple times already across multiple characters. Most of the delves are so forgettable and low effort that once you clear it for the first time just to see what it’s about you have zero reason to go back in there unless there is a reward in it for you.

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Im glad I did these all in large groups and used the majority of my keys. I can hope to get a solid 616 and question whether I will bother to do them next week.

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Truueeeee they should make M+ and raids only drop 554 gear no matter the level, and only upgrade the ilvl if you use a key you get a couple of a week!


Blizz ninja buffed the delves today, they’re 3 times harder than yesterday at level 8

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…putting in a hotfix at night and then leaving, not caring what it messed up just really seems like at this point they don’t care. the morale must suck-tons of people were fired and now we get this. At this point, I am caring less and less, too. Follow the leader.

What is this mass firing everyone is talking about? I haven’t heard anything about it but if the sorry state of this expansion is a direct result of layoffs that makes it so much worse.

Yeah, it’s been really poorly done. Every day you get to find out if you can still do what you did yesterday or if you’ll suddenly be oneshot by everything, even though your ilvl exceeds the rewards for the content.

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“Top priority” but it became so on a Friday afternoon… lol.

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Since when is entry level content not supposed to give gear that is adequate to move up to the next level?


This is the real gatekeeping in this game. People who think casual players should be treated like 3rd rate people who don’t deserve anything over green gear. Why does it hurt you so much to see people get another path to upgrade and progress? You do understand the entire MMORPG relies on the dopamine you get from feeling stronger and stronger right? Why would anyone want to spend an hour in a tier 3 delve when you can get better gear from rep vendors and wq?


Exactly! If I hear the talking point of “why do you need better gear if you don’t do cutting edge content” I am liable to snap. If the tryhards are such chads why don’t they do mythic raids in green gear to show us how much fun it is? :roll_eyes::sleepy:


It’s not gatekeeping. It’s only stating that Delves should be difficult as you progress further along because the rewards are equal to more difficult content.

This has truly become a pet peeve of mine. I can understand things being limited in time and never coming back. I missed out on so many titles and achievements but that’s on me.

But this current expansion gatekeeping is somethingI will never understand. Is their in-game achievement so precious to their self-worth that they can’t stand to share it with others? Nobody is asking to get cutting edge for nothing, but why did they get to no life all these delves and keep everything and we can’t do it anymore?

There’s difficult. Then there’s trash mob hitting you 9MIL difficult.