What are doing with these delves!?

Yep, idk why I have any semblance of hope for this company still, but we’ll see shortly xD

Im just stewing because my back up game for ages Destiny is currently somehow at an even lower player morale than this.

Hmm another game with Seasonal Content that constantly disregards players feedback.

Don’t worry, I have 1.5k hours in New World and held onto it until the player base dropped to 8k. So I’m right there with you LOL. Even bought the dlc (-40$)

To be fair, I see this as them listening to feedback. People could half afk steamroll T8’s yesterday in groups. Meanwhile soloists had to slog through them. Now everyone is on the same page. That was utterly unfair; they listened to feedback, and equalized things. As far as making them easier for everyone, that’s probably something they’re considering, but this initial problem was more dire than addressing that, certainly.

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Blizz handled this horribly dont give them an out

This is highly offensive and rude. My god.

spent yesterday running 2 player level 8 delves today we are stick at the midway point of The dread pit every time you die and come back you’re in webs and you die again
thanks blizz

They haven’t tested anything for several years since now, it started around the time they brought out TBC Classic around June 2021. I guess most of the people here are either brand new or people who haven’t played in over 5 years.

Imagine defending this lmao


It’s kinda like they did the inverse of how dungeon grouping goes in Diablo (scaling wise).

Honestly either that or increase the amount of “buffs” or abilities you can get, similar to Torgast

Why is that such a big deal? I’m glad it’s harder solo. It will last much longer as an activity that way, imo. I don’t focus on what everybody else is doing to get enjoyment out of this game.

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Delves are such garbage I have no intention of doing them on any of my characters. They are designed for great players, which I admit I have no desire to devote my life to becoming. The current design is not fun, which is why you like them. Because as a proud masochist who thinks anyone who doesn’t take pride in how much abuse they are willing and able to put up with, of course they tickle your fancy.

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Tier one isn’t.

And tier 1 is so mind-numbingly stupid and unrewarding it feels like an advertisement for doing anything else.

Sounds like you are just unhappy no matter what.

I guess I could say that the reason why you are happy is that you got yours and the “casual/solo players” who were told the content was being designed for them didn’t get what they were promised.

These are players who used to spam heroic or even normal dungeons for fun.

They never said it would be easy.

They actually said it was being designed for casual/solo players. Not just solo players who were as good as mythic raiders. Or for mythic raiders who like to think of themselves as “casuals”, even though they have been doing competitive content for decades.

Normal dungeons are the right degree of difficulty for many people. They are entry level content, and those people find them fun. Do you also want to butcher them and make them unrewarding because “dungeons shouldn’t be easy”?

Making entry tier content stupid and unrewarding means Blizzard has no respect for the players they claim they designed it for. People like you telling players who are locked out of heroic dungeons that they should be doing “bountiful tier 8” delves for gear to get into heroic dungeons… Wow, that’s beyond clueless.


What? Entry content is not supposed to give you high level gear in the first place. Devles are a gradual incline in difficulty and it gives pretty decent loot along the way.

There are so many different paths to gearing up and people STILL complain.

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