What are doing with these delves!?

If you stand in stuff, you should die.

Yeah of course it’s easier in group, it’s solo content.

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It is not exactly “more difficult” to get machine gunned down by casts you can’t stop, or being two shot by boss autos.

All I can figure, is they think a solo player is raid geared and looking for something to do on an off day.

since the time that people afraid of losing their raid slots to more qualified and equally geared players because things like raids became more accessible to the wider audience. so around Wrath of the Lich King, any time a good source of decent entry level gear is complained about until its nerfed, removed or made exceedingly more difficult to acquire.

Let’s unpack this. So you’re living in fear that you might lose your raid slot to better players than you. And so you complain about other players complaining. It sounds like you’re the one complaining if you think casuals should NEVER be able to move up and progress because of something that happened to raiders during wrath. Did you forget to have your Wheaties today?

You have no CC or can’t burst them down? Are you the recommended ilvl for the tier you are doing?

Disc priest my man, you get a fear with a 30 second CD and that is it and not everything can be feared. Disc has no kick, no stun, and it haslow damage relative to the health pool of the mobs just like every other healer.

I did not specify what I was playing in the post so I can understand why you would reply what you did.

As for the item level, I was 560 when I did my first +8 yesterday and now I am 595. Nothing has changed because of the item level increase, even another 10 item levels would not really matter.

Not going to lie. Priest is a pain in the butt for solo content. Wouldn’t Shadow be a little better though.

Even Holy would be better, it has a stun, that is no excuse for how disgusting delves are for Disc though. They can’t be having these systems intended for solo play, but then only a subset of the specs in the game can function properly in them.

We already got that in Torghast and it was completely miserable if you were a bad spec, and completely fun if you were a Demon Hunter.

This is torghast all over again.

in Beta, the Youtubers and Streamers were LOVING torghast. they had abilities, they were wrecking through levels, they promoted the poop out of it. TORGHAST the new esport mode! TORGHAST - the new off raid guild event! TORGHAST! said Preach. TORGHAST! said Talisin. TORGHAST TORGHAST TORGHAST.

And then right before launch
they re-tuned everything and turned it into a slog. it became impossible for some specs. it was classic “fun detected” because the worry was that elites or whoever would just tear through the content too fast. they beefed up the mobs, overloaded the aeriel attacks.

Delves are the same way. look at the ytbers and they RAVE abt delves. it will SAVE WOW. its the greatest new addition. but I get to Level 6 and the cittering stupid bug requires ALL of my cooldowns, a heal potion, several heals from Brann (lvl 15 btw) and still has Xmillion hp. a little nothing mob has more health than the bosses.

they make such a good product - but are so scared of people actually doing it that they need to turn everything into a slog (the amount of mob shields, self heals, and regen armor is off the charts the last few expansions). Not every mob fight needs to be 2 min long, blizz. we’re old, we have kids and jobs, let us move on.


It’s exactly what it is but at least it won’t be relevant for much longer. Once you can reliably fill up your Great Vault of Disappointment with other activities it will be obsolete. But for those solo players who were hoping that this would be their endgame all I can say is: RIP! Blizzard pulled one over on us again.

The big problem with all these YT/titch influencers is that they are raider, M+ people and see everything through that lens. Rarely do they discuss solo play, and when they do, it’s in the context of raiders, with raid gear, looking for something to do on off days and complaining about how easy open world content is.

Then the devs see all of that, and I guess they see solo play the same way, as something for highly geared people to do in their spare time.

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I think it’s the other way around, actually. Despite what Blizzard said during the development of TWW, delves are not intended for solo players (meaning those who don’t like to engage in group content) but are simply an end game activity that can be done solo. In order to effectively and consistently clear tier 8+ delves you need to have gear that only comes from group content. The delves themselves are only a means of supplementing the gear you predominantly get from group content and they were intentionally designed that way.

The devs have consistently shown that they only care about what high end players want from the game and have time and gain designed everything with them in mind. The E-sportification of M+, the constant over-complication of raids, and the general never ending cycle vertical progression are all a direct result of that. Delves are no different. They were always designed as just something that top end players can do in their downtime when even the rest of the people they play with have decided to pause no-lifing the game. That’s why they rave about it, because it was designed for them.

My point of view for delves are the following.

Run the difficulty of delve you can run, upgrade that gear then go on the next lvl of delve rinse and repeat.

What we saw is people exploit a sacling issue by grouping with people.

Everyone told everyone to run +8 delve only.

See my paly had difficulties to run +8 so instead i run +7 wich give the same reward has +8 and higher champion gear but 597 instead of 603, i have get some piece of gear from +7 upgrade them and go on +8.

Now +7 are trivial and +8 are easier because i have followed the progressing curve, next week i will still farm +8 but at the end i will be able to +9 +10 at the end of the week and +8 will be trivial for me.