What are doing with these delves!?

Immediately when maintenance ended on Tuesday, I saw ppl on my Guild clear delve difficulty 6, 7 and 8. Shoot, I even saw xaryu do the challenge one on his arcane mage yesterday. So the most difficult delve in the game got done by an arcane mage I’m with ilvl 596…… mind you that delve tier 8 recommends you to have ilvl 600. So what are we crying about here? Not difficulty because it isn’t.

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Since you’re nonstop crying about people’s “skill issues” while boasting about your delve clears pre hotfix

Oh look another keeper. Want a cookie?

Okay, go in with a 600+ IL char rn into a t8 and see how much the first mob melees you for. I’ll wait.

Are you ignorant to the fact that there was a “hotfix” 4 hrs ago that completely shattered the delve scaling?

I don’t know. Maybe Blizzard should remove all difficulty levels because they are gatekeeping content. All content difficulty should be reduced to Normal and LFR.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


doesnt hit me very hard at 598, only the extra bosses are hard on tier 8 for me at my gear level now. anyway there are 7 lower tiers for you to try

Too scared to see how that mob hits post “hotFIX”?

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Shattered as in groups can’t get welfare epics anymore? Yeah, it’s great.

Go into a t8 solo with 600 IL and enjoy getting blasted with 2-20 mil autos from trash mobs, not speaking on the group scaling whatsoever. This is also not talking about any other time period than the last 4 hrs

Well that’s a separate issue than the group exploit that was fixed. I’ve been soling T8s since yesterday, and they’re slogs, yes. But doable. Nothing’s changed on that end.

For me since the hotfix 4 hrs ago, t8s were a cakewalk yesterday, and now it’s like trying to traverse Dante’s version of hell. Got my 8 done the last 2 days and now they seem unbeatable solo

Hmm, that’s interesting. I’ve been playing on a lock and seeing no difference. A hunter in chat said he’s healing his pet less, so thinks it’s easier. And you’re saying they’re harder. Maybe something broke. Hard to pinpoint.

Heard some other people in the last hour mention that it seems that the solo scaling was fixed, but I haven’t tried a delve in 3 hours (shortly after hotfix) might be better now. But as rouge, the mobs seemed to have double the health of yesterday and hit me 3-5x harder. For example the mob in front of the door on the candle delve had 15-20mil health yesterday. And now has 40 mil hitting me for 1-2 mil out of my 4.5mil health bar with a MELEE

Maybe, I just finished mine up and seemed the same. Perhaps another hotfix went out.

Oh look another stealth change. Blue post coming any minute now to tell us how this was all intended

Noted, might have reverted the bugged hotfix recently. I’ll try them out when I wake up. Hopefully it’s fixed

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Yep, I’m expecting a post in the next 7 hrs. Most people’s theories are either that due to the layoffs today (over 300 activision blizzard employees) someone did some inside foul play, or that the “reduced health” hotfix did the opposite, also increasing damage the mobs did

Oh a big dreamer eh? Lol welp im sure itll totally calm down this crowd now.

Im even pissed i cant give more likes.