What are doing with these delves!?

idk about groups now. but I can clear t11, let alone tier 8 lol. skill issue.

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This guy you are replying to posts in every thread complaining that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with delves, never was anything wrong with them, and the only problem with the game is that everyone but him wants free gear for doing nothing.

He’s clearly having a bad life. Or maybe he’s just a bot constantly posting AI nonsense intended to make the playerbase look like a bunch of toxic elitist baddies like him for some reason.

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Maybe if you werent level 56 you wouldn’t die in the delve

can you stream it and show us how its done my lord, my god of gamers?

^I’ve only done 2 tier 11s on live atm. I have some beta vids but I don’t think they are that useful because I had around i610 gear on beta and was able to do them “properly” there. Probably more helpful to youtube your spec than watch me.

Underkeep is easy and cheesable, anyone can do that at almost any gear level. That would be my recommendation if you just want the achievement.

The abominations run around and kill anything they hit instantly. Abominations can even kill other abominations. Its probably doable naked.
Only thing is the abominations do an unavoidable AoE, so a naked player might get one shotted. Otherwise I believe a zero damage clear is possible.

Just pull mobs 1 by 1 and/or kite everything to the aboms path. Los any casters because they will cast at you sometimes for a good 40% of your health straight away on T11.

What’s hilarious is all the people trying to tell everyone that “ACKSHUALLY it’s not strictly solo content.”


Gatekeepers gotta keep i guess

I imagine alot of those players were super upset Blizzard made the casual or solo push so this is how they fight back

Ah seems like you really do live in the forums. Take a break Pal your chair is crying for help

whats the gatekeep? theres 13 tiers of the same thing. try tier 1 if you’re having trouble

Take 3 good seconds to look at this clowns reply history and it’ll be clear he spends all day rage baiting forums

You are the gate keeper. Stop trying to kill the game

Must resist urge to smack troll.

I have already I hit too close to home, he refuses to reply to me despite his 100 replies in the last 2 days xD

If Tier 2 is too hard, Tier 1 is waiting for you.
No content is “gatekept”

He hasn’t stepped into a t8+ today don’t worry

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They get so threaten when someone tries to have fun in a game different from them. We all can be happy just have to make Blizz do it. Okay well idk if thats possible but its better than gatekeeping the game. I want all the players.

Yep, the buffs need to be reverted. Getting hit for 4-20 mil from trash mobs in a duo group is definitely not good

Ill reply to your bad trolling just to say this is false, I cleared 2 Tiers 11s and got the achievement and title just before.

You must feel proud.

Wooooo big guy plays games better than everyone here

If you didn’t do it within the last 3 hours it’s null and void

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