What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

do you pay a sub for the sole purpose of spamming LGBT stuff on the forums? do you actually log in or is this it? Pride month is great but WoW is not real life. Wanting a pride themed event is totally fine but the nonstop spam about it makes things like this an annoyance rather than a fun thing. This type of advocacy hurts what you want more than it helps. You’ve become a predictable annoyance in general chat with the endless spamming. Be proud yes, but your life is yours and not everyones


People hide their accounts for a reason. :man_shrugging:t3:

I always give people the benefit of a doubt. I now see why people think you’re annoying.



And you can already do that in America.

But we don’t need an event about it in my video game! :wink:

In real life, someone might support Republican or Democratic views and events. I don’t want those in my video game either! It isn’t the place for them.


Your video game? You own Blizzard? Bill Gates is that you?

I’m having a hard time understanding why someone who is not LGBT would care one way or the other. As I said before, they have had Christmas events even though not everyone is a Christian. Didn’t seem to harm anyone.

If your not directly involved, why would you care? Why would you want Blizzard to NOT do it?

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Could it be because over the last year members of the LGBT community here in the forums have been telling him to stop making threads like this because they feel his actions are causing unneeded blowback towards them .

Blizz could give him and another certain poster with a T in their name everything they asked for and it wouldn’t be enough .

Even LGBT posters in here are telling him to make his own event .


This is what delusion sounds like.

I dont ask for high elf appearances for my void elf anymore.

You know why?

Because i got MY way.

Yeah but why does anyone care? If someone asks Blizzard of a certain type of event, so what? Why would anyone be against that idea? So there’s a quest giver in a major city which those who are not interested can ignore.

But to your point, create your own event, is it possible for players to set up a quest giver in major cities and the mechanics to send players to an event? Maybe replying by point that out would be helpful. I’ve been playing this game for a while and I didn’t know that user capability was possible.

OP being banned would be the best pride event

Would stop the idiots who take him seriously and start eaging against all LGBTQ+ people, and cut down on troll threads significantly

Huge win


Why would you need a quest giver? Plenty of Pride events go on in WoW every year, not needing an npc, or extra loot.

It makes it easier. That’s how Blizzard runs many of those events. Why not give us that capability, to create such a quest giver for special events?

It could solve this whole problem and it doesn’t seem like it would be all that difficult a feature to add.

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Blizzard has said there is no homophobia in WoW so no events.

People run their own, without the greed you are showing. Try talking in general chat and see if anyone on your server is running it.


Did they need a player created npc for the player created Running of the Gnomes for Breast Cancer Awareness?

That has been going on for over a decade .

As for my so called event I know it I truly wanted something like that in game the best way to do it is make it my self . I was pretty much showing the absurdity of the OP trying to get Blizz to do something they should do themselves.

Breast cancer affects everyone regardless of anyones view / prefrence and its a horrible horrible disease. Trying to compare breast cancer and stupid pride stuff when they are not even on the same level is kind of insane.

I’m here to play the game and have fun with friends, not here to have people sexual preference shoved down my throat. Take this craptastic stuff elsewhere.


I prefer they make events that everyone can enjoy and be included in… maybe something not based of the real world.


I wasn’t comparing the 2 other then did they need to have a player created npc for their event . The answer is no so why can’t those that want a pride create something without a npc being added for for the event they want .

Oh and I don’t take breast cancer lightly . My sister is a survivor

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Why not? Seems like a good idea to have a quest giver that gives information to players via a quest.

No need for a quest when it is community driven, if you played you may meet some of the players who run them without making demands.

Food for thought!

Are you REALLY against a quest giver? that seems like something so small to complain about.