What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

I am against the event taking place when there is no homophobia.

You know that. So now you want to quibble over a quest giver that won’t exist?

Come on, you can do better! Getting tough?

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Okay, can we get pass the no homophobia in wow. We get it, you will die on that hill. But lets just think for a moment outside of your bubble. If a quest were to exist for such an event, you would complain about it? Or would you just complain about the entire event? Because either way, that’s not feedback, that’s just complaining.

I have no qualms again like I have told you 1000 times plus now in your multitude of threads.

So look outside your bubble, ever take into account the opinions of others? Never that’s the answer. You like to call people “phobic” myself included.

There is no need for them to program anything for this at all. Even with all the tweets from Blizzard, you can’t take that into account.

Same could be said about your need to push this into every thread, I noticed you even tried in the “Why do you come to the forums” thread.

It’s GD, it’s feedback, you not caring for it is on you. This is not a soap box, or an echo chamber, and I find it appalling that you feel you deserve preferential treatment on the regular. It amazes me how many threads you claim that people say cruel things in, yet the worse offender I have ever seen is you T.

Every second post someone is a phobic, or not actively listening because they disagree. Hypocrisy at it’s finest!


I see you keep your head occupied with the real important stuff. This is guaranteed to improve the game, no doubt.

No. Every establishment/business/event/service doesn’t need to cater to your cry out for attention. Go to a parade or bar.


Greed? I’m not the one who wants the event, I’m just trying to make suggestions.

I would rather see a neutral Stonewall Inn created. Because June 25th should not be forgotten.

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Keep your politics out of my game.


No thanks, you can just ignore the event if you don’t want to participate.

Than I for one don’t care what you think because that’s a homophobic thing to say.

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That’s fine by me ^^


Sexual identity. It’s not a choice nor preference.


I like ideas like this. Its a shoutout to a community but its not obnoxious, its not propagandistic, its not pushing an ideology. Put a Stonewall Inn in the next expansion main city, and have Milk on the menu.

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No because I think it’s lame


Just an FYI, we are not gonna se a Pride event this month ingame. Usually it takes a year or so for Blizzard to actually come up with the content for something like that, if they are actually working on it.

Players are just gonna have to hold their own events.

You’re probably right, but Blizzard may surprise us with something :thinking:

doubtful at this time, it would have showed up on the PTRs.

It’s okay, we can still discuss how we’d like to see this event play out in-game. How would you like to see it play out?

I understand his disdain at times, because if we’re being honest the LGBT does act like a bunch of bullies…