What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

It’s really not worth it, it’s basically the same threads over and over.

Actually hilariously fun fact! When they came back a few months ago as a “new player”, level 10 need to clarify that, their first post was about the fanfiction that is Anduin/Wrathion.


Weird I replied to this:

That would be creating the strife, but why are you answering I was speaking to Sussh?

This is a public forum. Everyone can see and reply to any response on here. Why are you surprised I responded to you?

Gotta love it when the OP deletes any purpose for their own thread


Why didn’t you actually address the topic I was speaking about?


Again that person wanted them to rewrite the story. You jumped over that…

Since you wanted to troll, I mean reply so bad, tell me again what adding this to the game would give us? You want them to be openly against the LGBT like that poster just so you can have Pride?

Sick and twisted way of looking at things, IMHO.


I gave my answer, do with it as you please. No matter what I reply with, you’re going to twist it so no point in having an adult conversation with you.

Noticed you jumped over the topic of discussion again.

Feel the same, you like using one liners and avoided the meat of the discussion. Care to address this part you skipped once again?

You have avoided answering it to attempt to make me look bad, but really your avoidance speaks volumes. Whenever you encounter a truly bad idea you will support it no matter what if you think it furthers your cause.

Right now you signed off on adding homophobia to the game so that Pride could exist. I wonder how many members of the LGBTQ would want the hate here as much as you do, just to get their way?

This is why you are a bad faith actor T, and everyone sees it.


Can we please stop taking the bait. Just for one Sunday. Why can’t we rest on Sunday’s.

I disagree. The game could use more representation and inclusion. I’m sure Blizzard already has a lot of that planned for Dragonflight, that’s why it’s important to give them ideas now.

Gotta love how you avoided all of this, you are just reinforcing the belief that everything you say is nonsense. That you don’t really care at all about LGBTQ, only selfish for the negative attention THROUGH THE INTERNET!


Homophobes in game just spew hate and that’s it, you ignore them and they’re done, no power to influence anything, nobody takes them seriously and they get banned quickly after a couple of reports, no damage done.

OP is being annoying and spamming the forums for months with useless issues trying to make everything in game about his sexuality, pissing off a lot of people and enforcing the “shoving your sexuality down our throats” discourse, causing more people to start disliking and hating on LGBT people even more.

So no, it’s not silly, op’s annoying behavior is far more damaging than an in game homophobe that gets banned after a few reports and stops it.


This word gets used a bit to much, and the manner that it’s used should be considered harassment if it’s not already. Phobia’s in general are just a mental health issue, it’s not something you should be making fun of or using to bash people. I understand the meaning in this case is twisted as a means to attack those that display a dislike or hatred for LGBTQ. So as it’s being used as such it should be treated as such and get you banned in these forums.


No, absolutely not.

They have pride merchandise on the store. We dont need it in game.

I dont want pride month shoved down my throat and i know im not the only one.


Sorry to break it to you, but this is a low bar to meet. The people that say the whole shoving thing will only be satisfied when zero LGBT+ characters are in the game. You are making up these fake people that you’re worried about will suddenly become bigots because of a RANDOM GENERAL WOW POST?

I stand by what I said.

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The definition of homophobia literally is
​"dislike or unfair treatment of gay people"

Its not being twisted.
To say its a literal phobia, is twisting the definition.


I would be nice if Blizzard were to read up on the civil ramifications of what calling someone a “phobe” in real life entails.

I am sorry everyone that the fake Talonel gang does this. Sincerely the real Talonel.


I’m aware, what is being twisted is phobia, as in most cases it’s an unhealthy fear of something and is often considered a mental illness.

Given it is used to attack people wrong or right it should fall under harassment, that’s all my point was. You going to cherry pick some more or do you have anything useful to add?

With the amount of threads he creates on the topic I have to assume it’s bait. Who cares about their sexuality as much as Hank Hill cares about propane? :rofl:

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Cool. Take it up with the dictionary.
People are allowed to speak the english language. The definition as being used is valid even if for some strange reason youre offended by it.

If someone is being homophobic and they are being called out on it, its not harassment.
The homophobic person is the one in the wrong.

I didnt cherry pick anything.
Your argument was that calling people homophobic is harassment as phobias are a mental health issue.
When you look at the definition of the word, your argument falls apart.