What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

THing is honoring the guards is honoring the living and that would be more of a veterans day event . Memorial day is to honor soldiers that have fallen in combat or old soldiers that have passed on . That is why I said maybe something that honors fallen heroes of both factions .

And just like OP, what’s stopping you from organizing your own event? Someone on here said the gnome run was community run before, and now it’s official.


This comment is actually a bit funny to me because I don’t think you know what “cis” means. It just means that you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth.

There are a lot of CIS, white men at Pride parades - they’re just gay, bi, pan, or belong to another orientation under the community. So, yeah, you can be a CIS white male and still belong at Pride! :slight_smile:

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Remember Tee Shirt day and the NPC was ushing a teeshirt cannon in SW and players were following along trying to get all eight?
It could look like that.
But, statistically LGBTQC is one percent of the population and probably less in WoW. I’d not expect a great turn out (unless there was an option like when a new DK comes to SW and the citizens pelt them with banana peels. If you could enjoy that then many might have fun).

They don’t need to do in-game Pride events. They just need to make LGBTQIA+ characters part of the cannon & normalize it in game.

Don’t take this persons bait. Please. Can’t we just rest on one Sunday.

No one cares in WoW, that’s the issue, why does there need to be an " I’m gay " event in game? It has nothing to do with the game.

Now in real life, I wish you a safe and happy life. There are genuine issues that are concerning. Join a pride march where it counts, around your home town.


If it wasn’t a normal part of the game to begin with, why now?

Just because they are not filmed that doesn’t mean they haven’t happened.

Also, please for the love of Bob stop with your hatred. Saying cishets took over makes you a bigot plain and simple.

Why not call them gamers? Because that’s what we all are. We pay to play the game and nowhere does Blizzard ask or care what your gender is.

You though, want it out there, heck you wanted to know everyone in the last video from Blizzard’s gender when it was none of your business, and really should remain that way.

Who says it isn’t a normal part of the game now? Character sexuality isn’t actually covered for a majority of in game characters. All Blizzard has to do is say it’s always been a part of the game. They create the cannon, not us. If players leave because Blizzard normalized it, then we’re also better off without those people playing.

You are funny, hilarious actually.

You want them to write homophobia in, to placate a vocal minority, that would be step one.

Then you want them to take the financial cut of a mass exodus to placate, again a handful of screamers.

I see you don’t understand the real world at all. Step one, get off your computer. Step two, engage with actual human who are not on forums/FB/Twitter.

Step 3, learn economics.

Once you do all that, come back to me kiddo!

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No reason to get all woke banshee about it.

And there may be a very good reason for this.

To make an LGBTQ character or characters genuine you would need the life of all sexuality brought in game. Wow characters love life is not really a focus, not sure why we would ever need it to be, straight or gay.

Its strange we’ve not had one major character be lgbt. I can’t think of any but if there is I’d like to know.

Umm… Pelagos? One of the main chars of SL… the new arbiter…

Nope it sure isn’t, hmmm, why is that I wonder…

You have to forgive T.

They are too busy foruming to actually get into the story.

You don’t see all that at level 10 while logging into only the forums.


would be good to see the post history though

I’m confused on why you think Blizzard would intentionally add homophobia into the game. This is a developer created world. The writers can add lgbt characters and relationships without the homophobia. Seems like a nonissue to worry about homophobia that obviously wouldn’t exist.

No need for a pride event then


OP why do you need to be constantly reminded about LGBT+ stuff even in game? Are you that forgetful that you even forget that you are part of that culture?