What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

I believe so too .

Players created it and over time Blizz put it on the in game calendar .

Don’t see why OP can’t do the same them self and be the catalyst for the change they want .

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I think Blizzard would do best to host the event. I’ve made some ideas as to quests and rewards. What would you suggest they add for the event?

No. Cause the JW wont leave you in peace in your own home. Its twice a week and sometimes twice on sunday. Knock knock knock knock… hello can we talk to you?
No! And stop pushing your beliefs down my throat…the ABC mafia is getting just as bad.

I’ve never had LGBT people knock on any door of any house I’ve ever lived in to proselytize about LGBT stuff; I have only ever had Mormons knock on my door to proselytize about their thing. Also going to people’s houses IRL is way worse than just advocating for your thing on the internet!

Absolutely nothing - they have stated that homophobia doesn’t exist in the game universe, therefore there is no reason to add a “pride” event. NO in-game event is necessary for something that ONLY has basis IRL.

Forcing an event like that, especially something controversial / polarizing, will just stir hate and disdain toward the LGBT+ community - This has been stated many, MANY times by many different people in the LGBT+ community.

If you want an in-game event, as others have stated, run the event yourself on your server - it is the most well known LGBT+ server. Limiting it there allows people who want to take part to do so while the people who don’t want to, don’t have to see it.


Why is it controversial? It shouldn’t be controversial to have an event that says it’s okay to not be cishet!

In game lore, LGBT+ is normal and not looked at any differently than cis relationships, therefore there is no reason to give it a special event.

Again, this is a fantasy universe completely separate from our own. Players come to this game as an escape from reality, so bringing IRL causes from our reality into the WoW universe is just spitting in their faces.


Because homophobia doesn’t exist in the WoW universe. Asking for an event like this is asking FOR homophobia lol.


Why is this toad still able to post the same non-sense over and over and over… we don’t need a pride event.


…You rely on YouTube to find community made events in WoW? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No wonder you can’t find any recent ones. You just haven’t been paying attention ingame.

Well it’s due to the game in general not being good for a lot of people, not because there’s 1% more straight people.

Oh no, it’s not like you can’t create an LGBT guild to fix that “problem”… /s

“Gosh, as somebody who is part of their religion, i never had anything like that happened to me, so i don’t know what their talking about.”

…Okay, do you seriously not understand why it would be? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Blizzard has said “Homophobia isn’t canon”. And last time i’ve checked, Gay Pride happened because of homophobia. So adding this in wouldn’t make any sense because everybody in Azeroth are already getting along despite their different sexualities, thus the message behind the event will have no bite. It will just exist with no meaning or just be redundant as a message if it’s implemented really at best.

At worst, you’re simply asking them to walk back on the “Homophobia isn’t canon” and asking them to put in homophobia to justify putting in a pride event.

Nobody has ever said or implied “it’s not okay to be not cishet” but you.

Also, for somebody who is against bigotry and for an event that is suspose to unite people though love rather then segregate though hate, you do sure like to sneer at people who are straight by saying “Cishet” or think it’s a problem that there’s more straight people then LGBT people. Pretty sure that’s called being a hetrophobe.

There was one last year. WoW reddit has verified charity events that anyone can refer to. I won’t hate the idea of Blizzard creating a separate forum topic for player-driven events tbh.

How about no?

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Organize your own pride event in-game.

I bet you won’t, because your ambition only goes as far as spamming GD.


Do you play the game or just make dumb post after dumb post, Reworded differently and spam them over and over?


You think you’re helping our cause by posting nonstop about pride and other LGBT stuff but in reality you are being far more damaging than the in-game homophobes are.

People like you being annoying and pushy with your sexuality everywhere are the reason so many people hate us and think we all want to push our lifestyle down their throats.

It must suck to be so empty and plain that the only thing in your life that matters is your sexuality…

As for everyone else: do not take op as an example of the LGBT community, most of us are not like that and just want to live our lives just like you, this kind of annoying spammer trying to make everything about what kind of genitalia they like do not represent us.


Just put together something on your own on one of the servers.
I have never felt the need to have a Pride event put in game by Actiblizz. There’s plenty of groups that make their own for it in game .

Unfortunately it will never end. Just like the battle flag flying morons don’t represent every southerner, they will never stop for the same reasons, attention seeking. I wonder if the OP has put that together yet?

Looking forward to patriarchy month as well

Maybe in the future they can add a Memorial Day event to honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that people like the OP can constantly annoy people and make threads like this .

Something honoring the fallen heroes of both the Horde and Alliance

Edit : Do I see it happening no, but if OP is going to be ridiculous why can’t I


This is kind of a silly thing to say.

First thing that came to mind is that honor the guards micro holiday :thinking:

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