What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

It’s strange to think in-game events should only be Christmas, Halloween, etc… but pride can’t be? It makes no sense to me which is why I make this feedback to show my support for it!

It’s not every day or every other day a thread is made. Regardless, it’s okay for multiple posters to make a similar thread. It just shows Blizzard that there’s demand for it!

We don’t need an in-game pride event. The fact that a pride event isn’t needed in azeroth, because there is no such thing as homophobia, is way more powerful than any pride event anyway, as far as I’m concerned.

It’s like celebrating black history month or any other IRL celebration, too. It’s something that A) Doesn’t exist in Azeroth or B) Isn’t a problem in Azeroth for it to need to be addressed or focused on.

You could make your own in-game event though. I’m sure if you post about it, you’d find people interested in taking part. If you do that, good luck and whisper me in game or something.


You’ve got to be kidding. :man_facepalming:

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If you want an event ingame, you should tackle it like the Gnome Run for Breast Cancer. It started as a player event. Blizzard wasn’t involved. It kept growing and after quite a few years, it became an official event.

There are even addons that you can use to allow players to be quest givers and items in game but everyone needs to run the same addons. Roleplayers have been using them for over a decade.


You took my post and twisted it.

I never said homophobia doesn’t exist in the real world, just that there are no instances of it having existed in World of Warcraft lore, nor has being part of the LGBTQ+ ever been criminalized.

Good job trying to twist what I wrote though. That mis-qoute and lack of the rest of my post was quite impressive.


Back in the day we used to do naked gnome runs. Everyone create a level 1 gnome, not wearing any gear and the whole “herd” of them run from creation area to X (location depended on how much time we were going to spend). You could make that a pride event.

That was not clear to me. Thanks for the clarification

well… there was that one WQ in broken shore. Kahdgar wanted his coins and they gave a rainbow speed buff…

Host your own on Moonguard.

This is so stupid, no holiday is needed in Azeroth then, why have Christmas, Valentine, and Chinese New Year in Azeroth?

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First, again, let me repeat: Homophobia doesn’t exist in Azeroth. There is no reason for a pride event. The fact that there is no -reason- for a pride event speaks volumes and IS 100% more powerful than any pride event ever could be, because the lack of need for one shows it normalized and accepted, not criminalized, not weird, not unacceptable at any point, etc.

Christmas, Valentines Day and Chinese New Year are not the same thing as Pride. These are generic holidays that the game has adapted to fit into its lore without it having the same history as our IRL ones. Winter Veil, for example, holds absolutely no IRL religious connections. These are just in game counter-parts to IRL holidays.

Holidays, I might add, that have been bled dry through marketing in general.

That all said: with homophobia not existing on Azeroth, what basis and/or reason would a Pride event even fit? Where would it make sense? Better yet, how would adding one be stronger than the notion that one is NOT needed in a world that openly accepts people how they are?


Might not be homophobia in Azeroth lore, but there is from the people playing in Azeroth. Customers are exposed to homophobia in chat and group settings on a daily basis.

While a problem and shouldn’t happen, and should 100% be dealt with, that gives no basis or explanation for an in-game event.

In fact, I maintain that a world in which a pride event is not needed is more powerful of a statement than adding an event in would be.

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Your reason for not having an official blizzard event for Pride was based on no homophobia in wow, when there is from other customers invalids your argument, you need a new reason for no Pride event.

I don’t agree with this at all.

No. My reason for not having an official in GAME event for pride is based on homophobia not existing in the WoW lore.
You want the company to do an IRL pride event, by all means, I don’t care. Sounds cool.
But an in game? No basis. No reason. Homophobia existing amongst customers doesn’t translate to characters and lore characters in the game. IRL is not Azeroth.

You also don’t have to agree with me, that’s your choice.
But the whole point to these marches and fights is to one day have a world, like Azeroth, where LGBTQ+ are treated as normal people and welcomed into society without a second thought, without even stopping to factor in their sexuality or with bigots identifying it with something to be shamed or attacked over. Azeroth is, in this aspect, the ideal world that Pride events are simply not needed in because it already has the ultimate goal. Acceptance and normalcy.

And that acceptance and normalcy, lacking the NEED for pride, is powerful because it means hate literally didn’t win.

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And there is a report feature to handle such instances. It’s not like Blizzard condones that behavior.

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Unfortunately it isn’t. Why, because the customers still act in a homophobic way. The Pride events are to educate them.

You are confusing real life with in game. Separate the two. They are two very different things.

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LOL, really?

Yes, really.