What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

I’d like more cute outfits and high heels for my stabby rogue lady. I’d also like more regular hats for my shaman dude.

It’s not related to pride but I might as well get something I want out of it while they’re pandering.

It would look like the offensive gayification of everything to be seen as an “ally” Like wal-mart making rainbow mayo calling it gayo. Its pandering to an offensive level. Its surface level and this kind of rainbow capitalism is not only hollow but dangerous for the LGBTQ+

Video here explains it best:

The cishet community are a bunch of bullies actually


i already know what they look like hun i used to help set them up in game to bad your to much of a troll to actually be lgbt sad sad sad hun. why ask blizz for everything when you could all kinds of in game events hun oh wait maybe your just an old lgbt troll as many others have been? btw blizz i’m still waiting on you to clean things up around here.


can we still be saved

Remember that talk we had about you using that label negatively?

Looks like you learned nothing you bigot!


What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

Like something that would EXCLUDE the majority of the player base, whereas all other in-game events/holidays are geared to INCLUDE the majority of the player base. I don’t care about people’s orientation, you can be all that you can be in whatever outfit that suits you. But feeling like you need some event in a video game to help you live your chosen life-style to the fullest is self-serving and selfish.


Please go away

What one would look like: Season 3 of The Boy’s pride event, corporate sell out.


You see at the start “Inclusivity Kingdom” and the food stands like Brave Mays Taco’s, BLM BLT’s, Rainbow Pops, LGBTQ-Turkey Legs, etc.

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How these right wing trolls think free-speech exists on the wow forums baffles me.

It’s bad enough they try to slide hate-speech through it IRL.

How is LGBT event exclude majority of playerbase but Chinese new year include majority of the playerbase?

Stop trying to bring irl stuff into WoW. It’s an escape for a lot of us. Don’t ruin it.


I’ll answer you here because the mega thread is not for this kind of bickering and fighting.

Necro Might not have been the proper terminology, it’s what I chose because it gets the meaning across . Reviving, resuscitating, might have been better choices but regardless the threads revived were oddly specific, all contentious threads that were already considered spam.

Then along come some low post lower level characters, at least 2 of which can’t be checked to see whose alt they are and maybe by chance they all happened to wander into different threads and pulled them back into the light. Maybe by chance those alts all seem to want to ask questions designed to elicit certain responses in regards to the subject of those threads.

So again Necro might not have been the right term but the point I made was clear enough

I replied to a post in the same thread I was questioned in.

If replying to a post that is 10 days inactive is against the the toc then blizzard should prevent this

Actually your point is not clear. Why can’t I post in ten day old threads? Why can’t I post on a low level alt? It’s not against the toc. Just because you view a person as having an opposing view, doesn’t give you the right to try to silence me.

If you don’t want alts posting work on getting battle tags for forum posting

I guess all you need to do is put LGB in your title and it magically becomes flag-proof…
I wish i were oppressed. :crazy_face:


Truly the most protected on the Forums. Blizzard hypocrisy at its finest.


Its a fantasy game. No reason to celebrate something that isn’t restricted by the game. If your a guy, playing WOW, you don’t have to you around pretending to be female because in the game that’s exactly what your character is… No alteration needed. If your gay or lesbian then that’s what your character is

its up to the character… not the community or tossing rainbow flags around because in this world why would they use a Rainbow flag… over half are different races.

crap. these games are supposed to be an escape. they haver their own made up holidays for the most part… just be a wow player or join a Heavy Roleplaying server… they entire ORC community probably isn’t celebrating. and it’s just a fake celebration for something the designers don’t care a thing about.
Do real world things in the real world, do Warcraft


We celebrate Valentine day, Chinese new year, and Christmas, and Pride event is where you draw the line?

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Good question. Im all for an LGTB+ event setup by Blizzard, it is Pride month after all. My question is do we need a new post everyday or two asking for it?