What Alliance dont seem to understand

LOL pretending horde is the more mature faction somehow.

Cool, sounds like youā€™ve found a solution to your own problem. Congrats

Itā€™s not.

But it is sorta funny.

They arenā€™t which is why itā€™s silly so many people zug zugged to horde for the OP racials. Most of them will never play at the level of arena where the differences even start to matter.

So yeah they can enjoy their queue times for blindly following the meta.

No one is pretending its pretty obvious here on the forums with the what? 10% of population visit. Have you even played with your faction? lol

Played on both factions, theyā€™re the same.

Nah, like I have mention before after 10 years of playing alliance. It got to the point where alliance players triggered me more in bgs. Thank god for fast queue, right. lol

What u mean by behind it takes horde longer to farm honor but u will still have been mostly finish by now if not by a week ago if playing like a maniac. How is this behind if its literally the first week of season 1 right now?

The Baron of hellfire peninsula has arrived. All greys are camped and all nodes r belong to me.

Cry to daddy blizzard like they did when we were premading av.

Yep. These folks are just being petty and spiteful. They see a way to gain advantage and youā€™ll have to wrench it from their cold dead hands. I played alliance during classic, imo they really need those advantages. :wink:

I mean this has been an issue since p2 of classic with the population imbalance and long queue times. If they wanted to PVP they should realize that actually getting to pvp is a better min max than rolling undead rogue. They should have rerolled 2 years ago.

What happen during prepatch? Oh, I knowā€¦ being able to farm that HWL gear easily must been it. The alliance need incentives to queue, cuz otherwise they dont care about pvp.

Please do us a favor and tell all those afk alliance in town to queue up for bgsā€¦ tell them free purpz for everyone.

Itā€™s a feature of the game. Enjoy!

Nobody forced them to roll horde dang well knowing that que times would be long. Iā€™m tired of everyone expecting big daddy blizz to fix a player created problem. Fix it yourselves.

I play horde. This is the hordes fault. Such a shame everyone decided to be selfish and most people jumped on the horde train. This is what we get. Stop pushing for bliz to fix an issue we created itā€™s pathetic. I canā€™t even PvP without the hassle of these queues and potential premades at the end. You all deserve it. You lost by default because of selfishness. Bite it and shut up.

And then you look at the first like 5 pages of the leaderboards in every bracket and its nothing but retail players :rofl:

Why was this muted when itā€™s completely the truth? The community filtered this out? I canā€™t wait to see alliance best us all because of min max selfishness. Keep watching YouTube keep following bis lists keep finding ways to put no effort in with the desire to stomp and dominate. The forum posts do nothing but expose you. Keep asking blizzard for a fix for something you made. Hilariously pathetic.

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Please do us a favor and tell all those afk alliance in town to queue up for bgsā€¦ tell them free purpz for everyone.

Since you are so smartā€¦ do you know the balance numbers for both faction throughout all the servers? since bgs are xrealm. Iā€™ll wait for your answer.

The #1 problem is alliance dont care to pvp.