What Alliance dont seem to understand

In Classic, the honor per hour was irrelevant, all that mattered was how you stacked up within your own server, and your own faction.

As long as you kept up, it was fine.

The queue was irrelevant, as you got yours, either way.

Fast forward to TBC, and its not about where you stack up with your own realm, its all cross realm AND cross faction.

The difference this makes cannot be overstated. Horde is SO FAR behind, its actually comical.

I just sat in my 49 min queue, for EotS, and came out with a win.

Do I really care to sit here another near hour, just for another 3 marks and a bit of honor in the case of a win?

How many games do you get in that time Alliance? 3? 5 if you premade and win?

Hows that seem remotely equitable?


If I premade AB I can get 5 wins per hour or so. Maybe more.


Yep, sounds about right.

You better run dude… the Goldshire Neighborhood Watch about to be coming for you!


Nice meme.

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Here they come!!! Ruuunnnnnn!!!


I mean the real problem, is people like little rawkstar, is exactly why people avoid the Alliance.


The question really is whether equality should be based on us as the players having equal choice, or whether it should be on a faction level, or even a character level.

I’d like to heal on my warrior, but I cannot.

I’d like to tank on my mage, but cannot…

And so on…

So, it doesn’t seem like it’s that every class should have equal access to all experiences.

Diversity of experiences based on faction actually give us, the player, more choice. I feel that’s better than homogeneity.


Lol nah. I think he’s just a little slow. There are rawkstars on both factions

Sure there are, it seems one responded above you as well from the Horde.

However when I leveled this guy, I was told in every party ‘Oh yeah well Horde is the Dev Favorite, Horde Prio, you have no idea how Horde is so easy.’

It really seems Alliance lives in some weird delusion that Horde actually is favoured.

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ur tryin too hard bro

go back to trolling shadowlands forums


Woooh, there little gnomy… take a deep breath and enjoy gnome life.

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I dont even know where that is.

I don’t even know who you are.


Who knew horde were such babies. I guess we should’ve known when they chose a race to have a slight advantage in PVP, but holy cow.

I put up with Alliance being filled with brain dead carebears, you can put up with queue times for a bit. If you don’t wanna wait take some friends and go do what horde to best in the questing zones. But there’s definitely no honor gain from crying on the forums


Are you dense?

We put up with queues for the entire run of Classic, outside of 2 periods, AV Release, and Prepatch.

I could cry here for an hour, ganking lowbies as I see them, and miss out on 0 honor.

I ranked during the hour long AV queues, you dont know anything about ‘putting up with queue times.’.

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There is honor gain from crying on the forums if you cry loud enough that blizz buffs horde even more than they already have. This is what happens when a game company caves into forum crybabies. 90% of these bandwagoners are gonna be gone when the new Shadowlands patch comes out anyway.

Its really funny when you think that retail people came back to TBC to do all those huge pve grinds just to not get to pvp and run back to their garbage game with their tail between their legs without getting much enjoyment out of the whole process. :rofl:


Well when the top tier arena comps basically all involve rogues and warlocks, wotf and hardiness are indeed superior. And in Wrath alliance will be the absolute meta for top end arena play.

Top arena players stacked a hard counter to the stun/Warlock meta of tbc, and many did also.

But they also don’t care to farm honor. And bg queue issues are a non issue


This is it 100%… sure, horde is the majority and the “slight racial advantages” arent really that important. Most of us played alliance (myself for the last 10 years. I’m actually leveling my gnome mage) and got tired of the carebear mentality. Its actually great to be able to go out in the world and farm in peace. Once more slow leveling alliance get to 70, I have high hopes the queues will drop to what we saw during prepatch. That would be great.

Get mad at all those afk carebears in cities showing off their PvE gear.

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