Bro I didn’t chose the avatar idc, how salty are you lol at the end of the day I’m smart for having a character ready on the other faction, at the end of the day tons of people who rolled horde for tbc did it for racials and PvP and expected to steam roll and it back fired, everyone thought horde PvP was gonna be advantageous rather you’re mad about it or not it really doesn’t matter I just enjoy adding to it all. This is a player made issue so don’t expect blizzard to jump the gun anytime soon; stop staring at the forums you’re gonna miss your que, and you wanna talk about toxic it shows by how hurt you are by it. Players have such sh**ty entitlement and attitude issues these days and wonder why we’re having another repeat of classic PvP
You just complain when this development team has been spoon feeding you and holding your hand for years.
Horde have Merc que, then Alliance should get Merc que that counts as wins on our side.
I honestly have no pity or sympathy for people that contribute to the population problem.
It’s been known since 2006 that since the Horde became trendy, faction balance has been a problem.
So now we keep getting changes that only benefit Horde but everytime there is an issue regarding Alliance, it never gets fixed or they allow it to be abused by Horde players for months.
Now you Horde keep logging onto Alliance alts trying to sway opinions.
Bandwagon riders and FOTM players deserve nothing.
You knew what you were getting into and kept celebrating it.
And it’s tearful little QQ tantrums like this that makes blizzard takes their sweet time doing things, you’re probably so mad right now. Gotta love it when get mad over an issue they literally caused. Get a grip already.
Blizzards a company full of clowns we all know that who is speaking for them? Unfortunately there are adults here who aren’t childish enough to blame them for something you helped create.
Regarding the “OP Horde Racials” I am looking at the ladder on ironforge pro and it seems about 50/50 Alliance and Horde on the top 100 teams on the ladder. Which is interesting when horde outnumbers alliance…