What Alliance dont seem to understand

Imagine having to corpse run just to get from the ironforge portal room to the AH.

Imagine then getting ambushed at the AH multiple times by multiple rogues while you tried to sell the herbs you died two dozen times trying to farm. Then you finally buy your consumes, die on the way over to the mailbox randomly, then spending the next half an hour trying to corpse jump into BRD. That was Skeram.

At least the horde can do whatever while waiting in the queue.

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Oh, Whitemane had some of that too. Especially pre-BGs. We’d get ganked in our own capitals just trying to do daily maintenance, and we’d get ganked landing at any FP in the world.

Horde players really don’t understand what it was like, nor did they care at the time or even now. Which is why we just don’t care about their wait.


This is hilarious to me. I had to deal with phase 2 classic. 50+ minute death walks to every dungeon and now horde camp every meeting stone and instance portal in the game for hours. No sympathy from me. Reroll alliance if you want better queue times.

Amen. I say we double their queues.

Had players brigading against me on Reddit for stating that they weren’t intended to be full BiS the first week of TBC. Too many people with that Retail mindset.

Because it’s a player choice. It’s fair.

I played Classic a little bit as Horde on Faerlina to be on the busy server. In TBC I’m Alliance on Kurrinaxxx playing with some friends. I made the decision to have a better player experience for TBC.

There is nothing that Blizz can do that will fix the situation you created. Horde aren’t behind but they willingly signed up for long Que by choosing Horde. I didn’t want that and my friends didn’t either so we played Alliance.

I’m not against faction changes being implemented for a “Limited” time on large servers for free and others for 10 bucks. However we can’t implement toxic bad Retail systems like Merc mode or what you want ruining the community overall. Hard pass.

This is a player created problem that you choose. You made the wrong choice and the Alliance understand the situation perfectly.

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Wow this is first time for me that someone said PvE is harder than PvP. Kek.

Hitting standing mobs in one position with 2 mechanics is so hard.

There’s some things that are harder and some that are easier. PvP isn’t hard when you out-gear and out-number, nor is it hard when you play a low skill comp that has high impact.

Cry more, you can’t lump a faction together and say x y z is the reason they should suffer. You can change horde to Muslim or any other ethnic or religious group and you’d be persecuted and labeled as racist

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Calm down, this is a video game. You shouldn’t try and bring in real-world issues where it doesn’t even make sense, nor is it even offensive.

But the thin skinned crybaby comment hit you pretty hard, huh?

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You can stop projecting your insecurities on me, I don’t care about the opinions of casuals nor do care about the people who can’t bear through and deal with things.

I do care about people committing borderline hate crimes on a group of people based on what they chose to be

Just like we’ll keep waiting for peace on earth and for racism to end

Humans gonna human

But did they ‘create’ it? since battlegrounds are not server specific and pvp and pve servers are all lumped in together
AND overall the alliance and horde ratio is darn near equal if anything favors alliance. So this means most chose alliance.
But if the ques are long for horde, this means alliance isnt wanting to queu.

I’ve read a few of your posts Rawkstar and you, I think intentionally, are inflammatory. But It’s really obvious that its just that one faction (doesn’t even matter which one
that’s not the point) is not wanting to join battlegrounds right now.
It has nothing to do with ‘you chose horde it’s your fault’.

But nor do I think Horde should be whining as much as about it either. It is what it is. Nothing can be done about it.


You two are a breath of fresh of air honestly. I’ve seen some fun trolls, but damn yall take the cake. Especially the guy who told the other one that he didn’t deserve life. Because of raCisM in a forum discussion about horde vs alliance.


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I mean I agree with you but

Was suppose to be a joke since you’re a Gnome and you bolded the text but ok then lol. You’re probably gonna get a vacation from it anyways.

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I played all of classic w/o a pvp trinket. I’ll probably use one in tbcc. Sure, Wotf is beyond OP cuz its not tied into pvp trinket at the moment. But it is good against two classes. Its not even worth it again you. BTW - I’m talking about my gnome mage, didnt want to confuse you.

Once again Alliance making it out to seem like “racials” are a big deal in 2021. They really arent.

The real problem is alliance are carebears and have zero interest in pvp. The long queues are just as must their fault as it is horde.

What horde don’t seem to understand:


Horde have ruined Classic for themselves and everyone else. You don’t deserve anything


How childish of you. Another reason why people just left alliance for the horde.

Ok, enjoy your queues bud

I’m not even queue’n so joke’s on you. I can wait a couple of weeks to see if queues change.

I’m leveling my gnome mage.