What alignment is your main?

Ah, I see you follow the height, weight, hirsutism, odor, and sobriety axes instead of the morality and ordering axes!


I find alignments to be a tad restrictive, but fine, let’s be nerds.

I wanna say Neutral Good, though it’s probably more like somewhere between Neutral Good and Chaotic Good. Something along the lines of “always strive for peace, but be ready for war.”

After consulting a d&d alignment quiz, Middy is Neutral Good.

My main is out of alignment at the moment. He walks around all bent over and crooked.



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I get told I am being a good boy just as often as I am told I am being a bad boy, even when I am doing the same sort of things!

Maybe I’d have a better moral compass, if I received more consistent feedback. Come to think, the “rewards” and “punishments” tend to be pretty much the same as well.

I’m so confused!

((Alignment, Naughty-Nice. Or maybe Cute-But-Dumb :wink: ))

Nope. That’s like trying to defend Arthas when he slaughtered the people of Stratholme.

It fact, the way you describe “the greater good” reminds of me Willam Defoe. He was asked whether he enjoyably playing heroes or villains more. His response was something like, “heroes. Villains. It makes no difference. They all think they’re doing good.”

So killing innocents for the greater good is not something I consider good - and I don’t think D&D does either.

The situation you present is generally never considered good. You’re in favor of turning the key to kill the prisoners and guards to protect the boat of citizens. Yet, the movie showed they couldn’t do it because, deep down inside, they believed that to be an immoral choice.

My character has been multiple things through his life.

As a young Orc on Draenor he was probably Chaotic Good.

As he aged into his early adult hood, he became one of the Shadowmoon Clan Void Axes, starting to learn some of the darker Shamanism, which probably tilted him further towards Chaotic Neutral.

Then the Legion influenced the Orcs and he drank the Demon Blood during the First Horde and crossed the Dark Portal a raging berserker and was definitely Chaotic Evil.

Then after getting captured in the Arathi internment camps and joining Thrall’s Horde he was back to probably True Neutral.

Then he died against the Scourge at the end of BC, and was raised as a Death Knight and in his state of undeath has mostly turned into a psychopath, and definitely Neutral Evil. Which is where he is today.

Slightly off center and leaning a bit to the right due to a bad knee. He wears corrective boots in combat to align his spine properly though for optimal thrust when hurling meatballs.


Chaotic Neutral, all druids are neutral

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Both Zulla and my Alliance Worgen Druid are neutral good. We’re just doing the best we can to make Azeroth a better place! :heart::heart:

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I am the Rambo of WoW. I do evil things out of necessity. All I want is to live a quiet life, but the Alliance keeps pulling me back in.

Oh yeah!

You need a more colorful mog and long hair

Alas, they don’t make 70s spandex pimp outfits too plentiful in the game.

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Netheesa is lawful neutral i feel, she prefers to stick to the old tried and true and remain with old traditional allies, but she has a lust for knowledge and power that gets the better of her sometimes, which is why she became a blood elf to sustain her magic and defected with Umbric to learn new things, and is also why she is currently entertaining the favor of N’zoth, for all that eldritch tentacle goodness. :octopus:

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I will use a D&D term. I would say I am chaotic good.

This arakkoa who owes her free will to the people of Azeroth after HFC in Draenor is trying her darnedest to stay in control. But she’s starting to lean toward Chaotic Kick You In The Balls if the horde and alliance don’t get their shiz together and focus on the real threat instead of massacring each other all the time. If Blizz opened up a neutral third faction I’d hop to it so fast I’d leave behind one of those puffs of cloud like what happens in cartoons.

I’m not defending anything, i’m talking about rpg alignments.

Think about it from the perspective of the one doing things for a “greater good”. How can he possibly be evil, when it would have been so much more profitable and safe to do nothing?
An evil character doesnt care about any sort of greater good.

Simce you’re talking about him, Arthas only became evil in terms of alignments when he started putting vengeance above his people, not at Stratholme.

I don’t know when I would say Arthas “became evil” as I don’t know the line in the sandbox I would draw. However, I fully believe that the culling was an act of evil. Even the gamepedia pages describes it as:
“ The Culling of Stratholme is the first major event of the Third War, signalling the first act in Arthas Menethil’s descent into madness and evil,”

I’m unsure if you are trying to state that Arthas committed an evil act at Stratholme. From the way you’ve described “the greater good”, “worse to do nothing”, and how this didn’t make Arthas “become evil” I tend to assume you believe this wasn’t an act of evil.

I’m terms of alignment though - I really don’t agree with you. I’ve linked a source that states LG would not kill an innocent and did not give any such rationality of when it was okay to kill an innocent. I’ve now linked a source that also describes Arthas’ culling as an evil act.

Going to ask an honest question - do you really think Arthas didn’t commit evil at the culling or are you just trying to win an argument?

Mine is whatever the quest wants me to be.

RP was never my strong point