What alignment is your main?

Chaotic neutral the best.

I am absolutely sure Arthas didnt commit “evil” in alignment terms during the culling. Stop inserting some kind of real life morality into this.

How can it possibly be evil? He has NO selfish motivations for doing it.
I guess an evil character as a prince would do it because it’s his kingdom and he wouldnt care about the people either way. But Arthas DID care, which is why the deed affects him so deeply.

Easydamus’ pointers arent absolute and they know it but i’ve already told you: this is a contradictory situation in the first place. Different “lawful good” characters would make different decisions.

And i repeat, characters who do things for a “greater good” CANNOT be considered evil in alignment terms, because evil is someone who exploits others for his OWN benefit and nobody else’s.

Chaos is a natural state. The universe will find a way to break any normalcy or staticism in favor of chaos.

That being said, we can break the cycle by destroying the universe. It can’t be in chaos if it’s gone :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, but I am a Death Knight, I am not part of the burning legion. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a bit of chaos as I watch my ghouls chase gnomes around and continue spreading their diseases to the troggs in Gnomergan so that they can never have their city back.

You’re wrong on that front. Evil isn’t something that requires someone to be selfish. Do you know what the definition of evil is? It’s something that is profoundly immoral or wicked.

See the immoral part? It’s like someone who tortures one person for littering so that the rest do not litter in his kingdom? Is that selfish? I mean, he’s just doing it for the “greater good”?

I’m pretty sure movie Thanos was evil because of what he did even though he kept saying “the greater good”.

If you’re talking in alignment terms - find me a pretty credible sight in D&D terms that’s say killing innocents is okay.

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Chaotic Purple

Kuari here would probably be Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral. Most of my characters would be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic good or Lawful Neutral. My Death Knights would be Chaotic Neutral or at worst Lawful Evil.

It is the definition. LG do not let innocents die if they can help it. Period.

The Unseen Path

We do not fight for glory, for fame, or riches.
We exist to protect those who need it most, often without reward or recognition.
We are the watchers in the wild.
We are the eagle on the wind.
We walk the lonely road.
For ours is the Unseen Path.

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All my character (on both factions) left their factions st some point or another operating alone or in small groups.

In legion they all joined togeyher as a united front to fight the legion. And with bfa stayed together as a sudo avengers team for the defense of azeroth.

None work with the factions.

At least that my rp in a nutshell.

That’s what it means in alignments terms.
You insist on bringing real world morality into this, and it doesnt fit into a system made for describing fictional character archetypes.
“Moral” and “immoral” is extremely hard to define, some would argue can’t be defined in a meaningful way at all, so instead of making a philosophical treaty of it, alignments use “selfish” and “selfless”.

And never i said “killing innocents is ok for a lawful good character period”. I said in a context where a character has to choose between killing one innocent or let a hundred innocents die, SOME lawful good characters MIGHT choose the former.

Have you never watched a godamn zombie movie?

I swear you’ve made this thread two or three times before…

I tend to think of this character as pretty mellow and generally good. Then I remember that she’ll kill anything for a reward–or even a chance at a reward–and I have to rethink my definition of “good”.


I’m chaotic neutral. Whatever, I don’t care. I do what I want!


Good, all the way.

Neutral peaceful.

In other words kick Sylvanas and N’zoth to the place where they belong.

Lawful good

I stop the bad guys then put emm in JAIL!

Got the removed achievement for murdering all the dragons so guess evil. Didnt side eith nzoth though the whole undead being hated by the void thing wouldnt work in my head

Lawful good, of course! :slight_smile:

And (alt of Fairlight) this character is more Chaotic Good.