What alignment is your main?

If you’re not selfish, yes.

Thats the thing with d&d alignments, they only take into account the intentions. So if you kill a bunch of innocents for entirely unselfish reasons, you can still count as good.

Chaotic decent… not really good, but not evil.

Lawful Stupid.

My husband is Chaotic Good.

Why not?
Keep in mind that this isn’t an universal concept of good, this is an rpg alignment system.

What if killing an innocent saves a hundred equally innocent lives later on?
Which decision is good and which is evil?
The answer is: both are good, because evil couldn’t care less if innocents die, so it’s not even a relevant decision for them.

What they’ve done with Bwonsamdi is basically how I’ve always imagined my character. Not evil exactly but definitely not good. There is a certain sense of justice and order but he always has his own angle and isn’t afraid to exploit others and lives by his own set of morals

If you’re talking about Lawful Good - which is a D&D term, then no. As stated here (easydamus-dot-com/lawfulgood-dot-html):
“He never knowingly kills an innocent being.”

That’s an absolute statement with no ifs, thens, or buts.

Lawful good is lawful great!

That is an interpretation of lawful good that makes sense, because it combines the will to do good and strict adherence to a set of rules about how to do it, but it’s not impossible to imagine a character that follows a slightly different code.

And this isnt killing innocents for no reason.
Isn’t it part of his principles to always protect the innocent? He can either sin by acting or sin by inaction. You could say doing it actively is worse, but you could also say its a hundred times worse because a hundred died instead of one.

My character is neutral good. He acknowledges the ruling class and the rules, but only support just laws and would not attack first or attack an innocent.

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lawful good, I’m like a jehovah’s witness of the elements.

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“Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about FIRE?”


Neutral good.

Keldar is to the Orcs what Worf is to the Klingons.

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lawful good

Lawful good :innocent:


Evil :smiling_imp: with a sense of redemption

Blood-thirsty. Cold-hearted, singularity of purpose, kill 'em all and let the gods sort them out. Kick *** and take names? Nah; she doesn’t have any use for pencils and paper.

Das is a panda, cute and fluffy, but /boop me once … pray you can run fast enough.

Neutral good, leaning towards chaotic since she broke free of lawfulness.

Wow doesn’t have alignments

Neutral Evil.
Scuzz is all about seizing power for himself. If that requires playing nice with the rest of the Horde, so be it. For now…

Absolutely chaotic good.