What alignment is your main?

Is Murderhobo an alignment?



It’s like Lawful Good, only you’re constantly facepalming at all the events around you.


It’s an expectation at this point…

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What she said, especially if horde

Lawful Evil.

Mal has no qualms with culling the dead weight from the raid group or people who get in the way. YOU EITHER FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE OR YOU ARE USELESS AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF.

She helps whoever pays well. So i guess chaotic neutral?

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You get a like even though I am technically out of them

Chaotic neutral I do what I want

Lawful Neutral(good tendencies)

Semper Fi! :us:

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It’s boring and predictable but she’s definitely Neutral Good. All she cares about is doing the right thing, or at least what she believes it to be.

Pragmatic neutral… raining fire on an entire village to kill a bug that bit him is not out of the question as long as its a Horde aligned village.

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Chaotic Good. Fenshire does what he feels is right, however he has no regard for laws.


Pretty sure the tree was there before horde was a thing.


It was, but it was technically planted with evil intent… it’s a complicated story. There is a reason Fandral ended up as a raid boss.


I’m choosing to read this as “Pragmatic-Tasty” because to me all monks are somehow involved in food or beverage… it’s a cartel I tell you… a cartel.


Chaotic Good, one .700 NE round at a time.

I am what I want to be at that time I want to be it. Mercenary minded.

Chaotic good.

I live only to feed my lust and gluttony, but still capable of some compassion.

Wiggles that draenei tail and turns into Slaanesh

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