What alignment is your main?

I’m lawful good. That tree was on Horde property, and had to be burned.


Sounds lawful good to me.
Are you sure you’re not a paladin?

Try as you might, you can’t change who you are. You get enjoyment from playing good, everything else is an act!


Does not care at all, just does their own thing.

You know that lawyer… that took your granny’s house then your house by using tricks in the law to buy them up… then get you tossed in debtors prison and then forced to work for them for free for pretty much ever? yeah them.

Think more darth vader

RUN, no don’t ask… just RUN.


Lawful Evil. Ex-Scarlet Crusader, right here.

chaotic evil but lawful good with a few drinks :wine_glass:

Chaotic pleasure.

I do what pleases me when I want to, regardless of laws…well I guess that makes me chaotic evil, but chaotic pleasure sounds sexier.


This is a tuff one, though i’d probably have to go with Chaotic Good. I’m basically a renegade mercenary who is only truly loyal to the Ebon Blade, but employs his services to the Alliance. I’m always there to stop truly evil world devastating plans and ensuring that the innocent dont ever have to go through the suffering that Feldrick had to go through. But as a DK I also live on violence and the suffering of others. Typically this violence and suffering is directed at evil doers. I like fighting for good causes, but also relish in the violence and the action it takes to accomplish those causes.

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Neutral Evil because that is the best alignment -

You can be good or evil. Selfless or ruthless. As long as you’re doing it to your benefit (which I am strictly because I’m doing what makes me enjoy the game), then it’s all kosher.

One night I left an Alliance alone because they back-pedaled when they saw me so I decided to be nice. Another time I repeatedly interrupted an Alliance who was just trying to summon at the stone.

Would it be still lawful good to be okay with killing civilians if you truly thought it meant that it would be better off for the Alliance or your faction?

Chaotic Sensual.



Not really. You can’t willfully kill innocents for the benefit of the overall good. You can choose not to save them for the better good, but willfully killing an innocent is not “good”.

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Technically chaotic neutral in most cases… you probably don’t take pleasure from others pain.

chatoic good mayby, Or Neutral good some where in there, don’t care about the Alliance but will do anything for the survival of the Nightelfs even fight against the Alliance if had to.

If sniffing butts is evil, I don’t wanna be good.


Yeah, that’s why I said Lawful Evil. Utilitarianism or things like rationalizing atrocities by means of nationalism, or doing things “by any means necessary” seem like Lawful Evil things.

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Yep, I “derped”.

No felsavior can be pretty sadistic. It depends on her whims.

Screams do make her giggle though.

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My alliance main (NE) is Lawful Good. She is a very honest and compassionate NE.

My horde main (Goblin) is just plain greedy! Give her gold and she is happy!

Chaotic good! Sylvan is a happy-go-lucky free spirit, chasing thrills and adventure. She’s good, but not opposed to “bending” some rules as long as no one (she likes) gets hurt doing so.

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