What accent do you think Dracthyr will have

Minnesotans are just Canadians LARPing as Americans.

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Oh fer sure! You betcha!

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Probably British cause that is where dragons came from.

Iā€™m leaning towards them having an accent from one of the Slavic countries in Northern Europeā€¦ or New Zealandā€¦

You do know that Dragon Myths cropped up in literally hundreds of cultures throughout history, several of which had absolutely zero contact with the British, and most of which actually predate British tales of Dragonsā€¦

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Heā€™s so cool!

I hope its Spanishā€¦ Hola mis amigos. Soy un dragĆ³n pero no tengas miedo. Ā”Espero jugar contigo!

You canā€™t take a joke?

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This would have been a good voice for Kultirans :smiley:

Dragon deeze ~ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Well tally-ho and pip pip letā€™s get on with the bloody thing now shall we?

GOOD SHOW! sips tea
Right-o then, chap!

They should all sound like they come from Liverpool by getting a nice Scouse accent.

Latin / Italian-ish

So dwarvish?

I donā€™t think Iā€™d call it Dwarvish. I guess Dragonheart is pretty old now, but Sean Conneryā€™s accent wasnā€™t nearly as pronounced as the Dwarven accent in WoW. He was also James Bond in a few of the early movies.

Thatā€™s a shame, sha. They didnā€™t ask me to do the females either, no.

How many English speaking islanders that for the most part Americans actually know the accent of is there? Somoan, Irish, Hawaiian, iceland, greenland, possible norway and Sweden even though they speak other languages and arent an island still qualify kinda since they are very recognizable European accents that sounds like they could be a people trapped on an islands voice

I wish we would had gotten naga, the no pants and boots argument isnā€™t a thing anymore. Their travel form could be similar to worgen, the only thing I canā€™t figure out is how they would get on a flying mountā€¦

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Try making your jokes read as jokes and people might take them as jokes in the future

First off i would like to thank everyone who has added to this, it is my most blown up post on any character ive ever posted on.

As for the topic at hand a guy who i work with who doesnt play anymore said welsh any yay or nay to that?

Just have them speak straight up mandarin, no subtitles

or better yet mandarin voice with mandarin subtitles

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