What accent do you think Dracthyr will have

My main forever if that happens

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Cannot emphasize enough how awesome that would be.

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As long as they’re voiced by Emma and Simon, the red and yellow Wiggles.


Didn’t mean to generalize all of the fox people i have a few too and dont uwu either

And they were still better made than the dracthyr we saw in the reveal. I really hope Blizzard pulls their head out of their butts with this one. Right now Ardenweald NPC races show more effort than dracthyr.


Well if they do it properly it should be like parseltongue or something…

I think the dance is fine. Some might not like it, but it wouldn’t be unique with that. I think the animations are fine too. But there shouldn’t be mogging restrictions or replacing mogging options with default armor that is part of the model.


I can see the Dracthyr having a Scottish accent that is very reminiscent of Sean Connery’s voicework in Dragonheart.

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I imagine they will all just sound like Tim Curry.

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This is too close to the common black accent and foe do gooders would just lose their crap over that. It is already at the point I’d bet Blizzard would ditch the troll accent if they could. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Deathwing’s lack of an accent though means that any accent might be a little weird to make it fit. I could go for a Russian one, but that is probably not PC right now either. Maybe go super safe and make it Canadian, eh!


I’d also like to hear them with a strong Chicago accent.

Think John Goodman.


"H-hewwo, I a-am a Dwacthyw, the newest pwayable wace in Wowwd of WawCwaft uwu… I wook fowwawd to g-going o-on many wondewfuw adventures with all of you!


I can’t wait to buwn t-the bad guys with my fiewy bweath!"


This right here. Ahed Best will reprise the great Jar Jar Binks. Perfect

Which is sad and ironic since my census tract is 98.7% non-hispanic white and the entire county is 97.1%. :melting_face: :no_mouth:


Keep in mind Blizzard is in CA, which means they live in a bit of a bubble when it comes to such things. Which is why it would even be a problem in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love female dracthyr calling everyone “honey.” :heart_eyes:


i hope Egyptian that was a real cool accent on the lady in the maul

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Standard American accent spoken in the weird way that dragons typically speak.

Noooooo darkness can hooold baaack the pooowwweeer of the LiFe-BinDeR!!

You are FOOOOOLS to have come to this place! The icy winds of Northrend will consume your sooooooooooooooouuuulsss!

Take EVERY single upvote that I can give. I love you.


Geartech support hotline. They are here to “repair” our gear for the low price of 500000 gold!

We should kill them folks over there, don’tcha know.

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