What accent do you think Dracthyr will have

Knew i should have learned Mandarin and Cantonese instead of Romanian

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Give them an Australian accent “bloody strewth mate I’m out of mana”


Nyaa, I’d like this… UwU reaches out to touch wings

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they will probably have a lisp and the tabard will be a rainbow

It was fun in saints row what about a Mexican type accent?

I said Greenland or Icelandic in an upper post… but a Greek accent would also be fun. Something unfamiliar that people aren’t used to hearing would be more fun and not typical, something with more imagination.


I want Steve Irwin - New Zealander for them


I imagine a dragon like this picking up a human. “Crikey isn’t she a beauty… woah woah woah what a 'lil nippah! Yer allright yer allright. Woooooooo”


Millhouse and marge Simpson from the simpsons for the voices

Aysha Selim, who does Ve’nari’s voice. I love her accent and really would love to hear that voice tone and sarcasm being used by Dracthyr people. With maybe a bit more bass when in dragon form.

I believe (and hope) it will be Flemish.


i wouldn’t mind this

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I hope its Welsh so no one can understand them.


I’m still rooting for an Appalachian redneck accent for both male and female


Appalachian redneck accent /joke:

“Well, shoot far and save the matches!”
“You ain’t dragon yer watchamacallit whichyadidya?”
“What do you mean isolated? I-so-early if you ask me.”


What’s a flash-in-the-pan popular fad among zoomers right now? Whatever that is, they will sound like that, so that in five years it will be incredibly dated and cringeworthy.

Just ask goblins.

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I say Morgan Freeman with a Aussie accent


Going off the last post here what are 2 actors youd pick if blizz wanted to throw all the money at the wall to make the dracthyr amazing. Id go Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dame Judi Dench from the james bond movies

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Though I mentioned Larry Bird, “Donnie Baker,” etc., the following video is actually a more perfect example of what I’d like. My youngest first cousin (~18 years younger than I am) went to school with this guy, and I saw her post this on facebook. I thought it was the perfect example of what I was trying to get at before: he’s from just a few minutes away and fittingly represents an archetypal male accent from here.

Is it silly to even think that they would have Dracthyr or any other race in the game represented by the kinds of accents I grew up and again, now, live around? Yeah, it won’t happen. But, the more I think about it, the more I kind of want them to sound like this now… :billed_cap:


Thought of something i wanted while thinking about all my favorite games earlier. We get David Hayter doing his snake voice from MGS and Debi mae west who was meryl to do the voices. Debi already does Maiev’s voice so its not like theyd being more than one new person.

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