What accent do you think Dracthyr will have

They will sound exactly like Chris Pratt because why not?

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I find this ironic you say low effort from a night borne. Their first pass had like three skin colors lol.


I vote for Petter Griffin “GUILLLLLTTTTYYYYYYYY”.

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Similar to ppl from the Orient. The orient has a long history with dragons.

I hope its an India accent, they need representation. :smiling_face:

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I love it when dragons are designed with Indian adornments.

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I would say an east Indian accent because of the resonance of their nasal cavity.


Not the dwarf Scottish.

I mean the Scottish Twitter Scottish.

I want barely understandable screaming dragons.


they are better then NB tho , at least their body tattoos will show up .

Honestly, I think the accent should change and vary depending on the Aspect they have they display the most attributes of, kind of like a ‘heritage’ type dealio, yijao?

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Aussie would be outstanding… or maybe kiwi from New Zeland. Like the guy who played Deathstroke in Arrow. Or… Sean Connery since he seems to love voicing dragons :smiley:

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good news i found it

“Evokers will be able to equip Daggers, Staves, Fist Weapons, One-Handed Swords, One-Handed Axes and One-Handed Maces.”

but does this mean we can finally tmog 1h weapons over 2h weapons or wands over maces and daggers >.> really hoping heal spec wont be tied to another freakin staff i just wanna be able to tmog my wands for once so tried of every caster being forced into staffs !


As a fox person, UwU talk repulses me.

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They should go for a hillbilly accent. Yeehaw!


I want to see Dracthyr accents represent that conflux of Hoosier Apex and Southern Inland US dialects of the Ohio River border counties of Indiana and Kentucky. There’s very little representation of this blended accent in any media, so I would like to see the Dracthyr depict the accent of those I grew up around (and have again live near for 7+ years about a decade and a half away). I mean, how else am I supposed to to roleplay my Larry-Bird-inspired Drachtyr sports star? I will need a custom title “The Hick From Draconic” to go with him though. :basketball_woman::rofl:

Larry Bird’s probably the best voice for average male around here. Sometimes John Cougar Mellencamp has a little when talking. However, I propose that Ron Sexton do the majority of the male voice work, since even though his “Donnie Baker” persona is an extreme caricature of the males of the area, it’s actually fairly accurate to the stronger accents around here.

Finding a Donnie Baker video that is forum-friendly was a difficult search!

Finding someone recognizable for the female voice would be more of an issue. I’ve sliced a little clip:

Maybe if Jennifer Lawrence dropped back into her Louisville accent and then really pushed it like Donnie Baker… :dragon::woman_farmer::corn:


Yeah, I wasn’t very happy about the low effort Nightborne either. Thankfully they got a little more work.

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They need to have a Appalachian hill billy accent for both male and female.


Meesa fink dey speak jus fine