What a shock, another Alliance city destroyed

If AH’s are a benchmark then there were only two capital cities when WoW launched.

Well now you’re forgetting Booty Bay

Thrall will stand up to the Alliance when he’s written properly.


Geya’rah technically, she was pretty eager to fight alliance and demeans them in TWW

But she’s a very lesser character

Pirates don’t have capital cities, they have secret bases.

It started off wrong but the lore people of the forums have turned it around. I find this kind of the lore threads the best because of the people that post in them. They give detailed reason why what was said was wrong. Then someone comes in with a different perspective on the lore point and it gets spicy.

These threads are like civet coffee, sometimes you can get really good coffee from the poo and sometimes it is just poo.


He literally rolled over for Varian when the Barrens were attacked pre-Cata and also the whole thing with him being kidnapped. Its ridiculous how passive he has always been.

Is the OP using Internet Explorer?

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As long as it was the Alliance section, I’m ok with it.

Im not new at this point, i joined in 6.2 so ive played for… 8 years… jesus thats a long time…

But still an interesting enough article to read

You’d think being a slave to the alliance and seeing the horrible things humans do to each other would have made him not worship the ground they walk on

But hey, here we are

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When? Back in MoP? Cause it’s been a while since then. Now he makes pecker jokes.

Thrall’s waffling between worthy of the elements and not worthy of the elements has gotten a bit stale as well.


I think the alliance should mana bomb orgrimmar and thunderbluff… Make the horde live in silvermoon.

That might change now
She got to do something for once
Probably a one off but you never know

Sadly, yes. Thrall’s last bit of backbone was after Varian rescued Garrosh.

“I won’t let YOU take him.” You could build a fortress on the strength of his sneer, right there.

That’s just sadistic

Plus do you want horde in the new alliance capital during Midnight?

I feel this could only be an improvement.

I think they should get rid of cross-faction gameplay and Alliance players can go back to complaining about how they have nobody to play with.

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I would welcome the alliance destroying orgrimmar.
It would be a fantastic excuse to rebuild it in to something thats not a dump lol

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