What a shock, another Alliance city destroyed

Those portal trainers should have given a few extra classes to the locals, amirite?

I shall rephrase.
Capital city.

Gameplay reasons aside, Jaina was a neutral character bidding for peace with green jesus himself. Right now though the horde is 3 for 3 on committing genocide, twice against the alliance and once against themselves. Lets get Baine on that throne.

So what did Thunder Bluff have that Theramore didn’t, back in the old days?

Or was Thunder Bluff also not a “capital city”?

The Horde understands defense.

The ability to resist a fullscale assault from the other faction’s army :smirk:

Technically Thunder Bluff had a portal to go there before Theramore did, as well as its own rep while Theramore was tied to the Stormwind rep. I’d still very much call Theramore its own city though, and not a neutral one.

Dalaran is neutral

Or we could have Blizzard sack the Alliance Writing Team that’s been writing the story for Blizzard and give it a go with a Horde Writing Team for a change.

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Tauren aren’t a neutral force in the world, they were before they got picked up by thrall on his way to make mud huts.

What news did I miss? How did Dalaran get destroyed? And by who?

Honestly, i joined post bombing and have only been there via the npc.

If the time travel version is not an accurate depiction of the city then shrug i guess.

(Also no thunderbluff is pointless)

Shame that. No really, that character deserved a douchebag’s death not some cringe sacrifice to pass the torch to the other writer’s pet character - Jaina Proudmoore. You should be falling to your knees and thanking the Horde for removing that obnoxious writer’s pet from the story.


I mean frankly the horde needs less genocidal leaders and more reasonable ones, between garrosh and sylvanas whom both nearly destroyed the faction with sylvanas being the one who was about to swing that hammer.

I’ve lost count of the number of times over the years I wished I could gib Rhonin myself.

Auction Houses, Portal, Racial Leader, Reputation. Trade Chat.

And then she allowed the allinace to use theramore as a launching point for their invasion of the barrens, breaking the truce agreement between them


If you’re new, you might find this article interesting. Puts a lot of the Cataclysm-era changes in perspective.

(You know, the balancing changes that Alliance players still gripe about, to this day.)

Oh, dear. Somebody wasn’t around in the old days.


Actually what the Horde needs is proper writers. Siege of Ogrimmar was perhaps a fluke. BFA was done out of spite and I don’t care what anyone says.

What we need is leaders that actually work in favor of the Horde and aren’t in some BFF-relationship with Alliance leaders. Does the Horde even have a leader that isn’t fawning over the Alliance leaders like Baine, Thrall and Calia?