What a shock, another Alliance city destroyed

See, this is why foreplay is so important gentlemen; if you want your lady to take care of you, you need to take care of her.


You are Azeroth’s greatest hero

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Theramore existed just after warcraft 3 but never existed as a location in WoW, the entire time it was neutral lol

Garrosh just saw it as a threat because humans near his newly rebuilt “true” horde.

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uhhhhhhh… I don’t know how to break this to you bud…


Then how did I run so many quests out of there?



Until it started funneling armies into barrens, breaking the truce agreement


This thread gets more scuffed with each passing moment…

To say nothing of it being a major port between EK and Kalimdor as well

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Im going to assume they meant it didnt function as a city.
Not that the location did not exist on the map.

When you piss off the one person that led the city and so forth… then by equivalency to nuking it and further pissing said person off to where she wanted to nuke orgrimmar

Alliance broke the agreement, stop trying to blame the horde for alliance breaking agreements


Lore threads always get spicy.


Is that why they always attacked Horde players on sight?

Is that why Theramore had a boat travel route to Menethil Harbor?

The only agreement I ever broke was to not eat that slice of pie at midnight.

I mean… Like, I could see that sort of? But it still had a bank, class trainers, stable master, post boxes, and I think it has a stable for human racial mounts? It also got a teleport in Cata (I believe, might’ve been before).

We have not forgotten this transgression

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This one shouldn’t.
It started off by saying dalaran was alliance and went on to say rhonin was its leader.
This is no lore thread.

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Tauren literally didn’t do anything to warrant the Ft Triumph attack nor the Bael modan massacre. And there was no point in massacring Camp T because they already had the previously established Ft Triumph to attack Garrosh from if they actually felt like hitting Garrosh’s ashenvale forces instead of Tauren grandmothers and leatherworkers.

Horde shouldn’t have to do diplomacy with the mindset that the other side are angry murder-toddlers but here we are.

Travel routes, banker, class trainers, even a portal trainer.

Sure seemed like a city to me.

Wait what Dalaren got destroyed? Source please?