What’s everyone’s favorite mount?

The black widow spider. Best 2m gold i ever spent.

I have 3.

My Bloodfang Widow is my go-to ground mount. Spiders are creepy and cool.

The Obsidian Gravewing is my fav flying mount. It’s a cool gargoyle.

And Midnight is my honorable mention. In my opinion it’s the best dead horse mount.

I have and use all 3 on a regular basis. The Gravewing the least since I don’t really use static flying. It’ll become my primary mount when dynamic flying gets unlocked for it.

And then I generally have a mount or two for every class that fits their fantasy. Like my Groove Warden for my Druid, or Tarecgosa (spelling =/) for my mage. (The legendary staff transformation.)

Aw… was really hoping for another barrel rolling loop-de-looping mechanical mech mount… I’ll just stick to farming G.MO.D. for my new eyesore mechamount instead lol.

Those are a must have. No matter how coolios it looks lol.

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My kodos. They are big and lumpy. Not too sure about that weird one with the flames though. He is a little off.

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the smallest DF mount. Cliffracer i think its called… the yellow one…

Lightforged Warframe. But I only use it on my lightforged mage. Really amped that it’ll be dynamic flying soon.

I really like the fel themed mech from Hellfire Citadel but all the loop-de-loops make it sort of annoying to use.

I like the Iron Tusk Elekk from WoD for Kaioon, been using it for ages now. Her name is Minka.

My evoker is his own mount. I like using soar.

Otherwise Taivan

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Probably still the Headless Horseman’s Reins.

For Dan, it’s still the Undercity Plaguebat.


Reins of the Raven lord. I got mine back when you needed a druid to summon it. Has not left my bars ever.

Lucid Nightmare.

More mounts and puzzles like that need to be in and added to the game, absolutely loved every second of doing that puzzle. I love puzzles and that one was really fun. And while it’s a simple mount, it holds that memory and makes it special.


I actually built an Alliance werewolf so I could get that bee mount. It was fun.

Saphire Panther,
Its small, works as flying or ground, and looks good.

For my Warlock my favorite mount is the Shadowy Reins of the Accursed Wrathsteed.

Swift Zulian Tiger. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I grinded for it back in late TBC and early Wrath, I had zero clue it would eventually be removed come Cataclysm.

Obviously my present-day self is patting my old-past self on the back for a job well done.

I just recently got Silent Glider a few days ago, it’s quickly becoming my favorite flying mount, it uses the same animations/skeleton as the old Nether Rays from back in TBC, and those were my favorite back in the day.

Grand armored Gryphon and Wyvern. 2 best looking mounts in the game period, and probably not hard to obtain when mop time walking is up.

Yeah I miss stuff like that and the carpet that tailors got. Now we’re very focused on making sure that professions carry as little as possible over from gear reset to gear reset.

Ottuks, any ottuks really

Timelost proto drake. It was the first drake mount I got and I camped night and day during my holidays as a child getting it during WOTLK

Soaring spelltome. I worked my a off for it and i will use it always.

I really like Mawsworn Charger