What’s everyone’s favorite mount?

Horses. Those that run like real horses. I just wish they would add all four gaits. They have walk, and gallop, they could add trot and canter. I can live without the ambling gaits.


Netherwing Drakes. For some reason I love the Albino Drake as well. For ground mounts basically any raptor.

Which ever one is reasonably sized and flies xD.

The fire hawk from Fire Lands has a special place in my heart though.

I remember when Legion first came out, I was one of the people whining nonstop about warlocks and paladins getting another horse.

Then I actually got the mounts and loved them.


Honestly I like the dragon flight 4 legged dragon a lot.

I really wish they would still add parts to them beyond this expansion. Like class specific armor and stuff.

Anu’relos (Mythic Fyrakk mount)

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My top 3 i have is Hivemind , Love rocket, and Lightforged Warframe

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My absolute favorite mount is the Sky Golem from MoP. I used it almost exclusively until recently. Recruit-A-Friend is tempting me to get the big two-seater mech.

I swap between the Mythic Argus mount (Shackles of U-something), and the Antoran Charhound on my Warlock. My Shaman uses the fire tornado class mount because it matches the T5 set. I swap between the blue and netherdrake on my Mage.

The Hivemind creeped out my friend when he saw it the first time. Now he just thinks it’s weird looking.

Cloudwing Hippogryph. Did nearly 10000 court wqs to finally get the drop.

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Felsteel Annihilator and Scrapforged

Felsteel is for my Destro Lock and MW Monk due to the green and black color scheme and fits with my “back alley” doctor / pharmacist mog approach.

Scrapforged is for my Rustoration shaman and SV Hunter due to the mogs for both have an auto/mechanic shop theme to them.

LOL I had that mount drop for me 5 times…learned one,…but yep got it 4 more times after…

Since im a mage. I personally love the mystic runesaber mount that was gifted to me by Khadgar.

Yeah. The seems to be how it goes. I’ve got two of many mounts that people have hounded for years. I’m waiting for them to make them BoE so we can just sell them!

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I am missing one item from those boxes and I really hate having to go back and farm for it…can’t remember top of my head I think its either a pet or toy…

the ani frost deathwing mount is my fav at the moment then deathwing mount

Shu-zen or flying discs.

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I still need the carpet, but I’m not putting myself through that grind again. The warden toy dropped for me first try.

I personally think you should be able to purchase them with curious coins (like say 200 a mount - would be a great bad luck protection mechanic.)

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Headless Horseman and the broom. Other than the transmog yak they’re the only mounts on every one of my character’s bars.

My gnomish ROFLcopter I crafted back in BC.

I miss the time-consuming-but-completely-doable craftable mount projects that professions used to get.


Soaring Spelltome. I’m so happy they managed to make it dragonriding next expansion!
Edit: Brutosaur is a very close second. These are the only two mounts I ever use.

Got this mount and was super disappointed that it doesn’t do the flips that the other mounts do. Flight feels bad, but it does look cool.