What’s everyone’s favorite mount?

Vicious Skeletal Warhorse and Sinrunner Blanchy.

Cenarion Expedition and Argent hippogryphs.

Low res? No, sleek triangular rocket steed.

My addon controls what mount I summon based on rng and what location I’m in to ensure whatever mount I end up with is thematically native to the zone and expansion I’m in. It also accounts for swimming.

Currently it’s Anu’relos, because I get the flight form too :slight_smile:

Water: sea turtle; Sky: Tarecgosa Mount; Ground: Brewfest Ram


Ground: Winterspring Frost Saber
I raised him and we bonded :two_hearts: I use him as much as travel form when we’re grounded, sometimes more.

Flying: If we’re counting druid forms, then it’s my flight form - specifically the storm crow since it’s small and doesn’t make annoying hoot sound constantly.
For non-druid characters, I like flying carpets and the jewel panthers a lot.

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Reins of the Raven Lord, was my first attempt to solo a dungeon to farm. Got it on my third run and he has been my go-to baby ever since. For flying, druid flight forms.

My dream favorite, Swift Zulian Tiger. I still hold onto hope getting it one day, been waiting 15 years, I can wait a bit more (looking at you TP!)

Heavenly azure cloud serpent.
Also kill sylvanas

Eve’s Ghastly Rider

I’ve had many mounts since 2005, but this one became my instant favorite when it showed up on the TP last October. I can’t wait to do dynamic flight races with it in TWW! And I’d love a purple+green variant!

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Slowflight - Compass Rose: small and simple; can see what’s around me easily.

Fastflight - Cliffside Wylderdrake: small and scrappy-looking.

Voidtalon of the Dark Star and Uncorrupted Voidwing.

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Flying carpets and the prismatic mage disc

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World breaker. After I got that mount I stopped caring about mounts. It’s my forever mount.

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That cutey puppers, Shu-zen!
Shu-zen is so cute


Toss up between my Love Rocket or my Magic Rooster Egg mount…both I love …since I now have both I am pretty much done mount chasing now…to me I have the best flying and ground mounts now…


Invincible if I ever get it. :sob:

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Kazarra Visage for the Blue Dragonriding mount. It’s just so gorgeous.

Honorable mention for the Verdent Slitherdrake, but that is both not mine and not available.

Magic Rooster but for the longest time it was the Cenarion Hippogryph. The Hippogryph was the first mount I ever worked hard for. I grinded out rep, horded gold, and completed What a Long Strange trip for the free epic flying to get. I love that mount.

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My 5 favorite Mounts:

Bound Blizzard
Stormwind Skychaser
Glacial Tidestorm
Archmage’s Prismatic Disc
Blue Protodrake

My favorite mount is the Swift Windsteed. I love the way it looks & sounds but most importantly because my husband bought it for me from the Blizzard shop :heart: