What’s everyone’s favorite mount?

Anything with bags on its rump, mostly.
I have most of the pack wolves from Draenor.
The terrified pack mule…something like that…is really nice.

as far as flying mounts, I swap them around so much I dont think I actually have a favorite. I find what fits each character, mostly.

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angy horde sounds

I really need to finish farming jelly on my alliance character… or just buy the needed jelly from the ah

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Magic Rooster. there is nothing scarier (or hilarious) than seeing a gnome riding into battle on one. :smiley:

Does it start with “your…” My mind went to the same place.

Anyways, I’m going with the five jewelry crafting panthers.


Spellbound Tome

Really the only mount I’m proud of in my collection (closing in on 700 total). Self only challenge mode is a true test of one’s skill.

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I couldn’t pick, I have a favorite mount for each character.

For Aiyako it’s the Fel Drake.

The greatest mount ever:

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I dont have that one but I do love the ottuks you buy from the tuskarr. four of them, I think.
Nice for Vulpera characters especially.

BC Netherwings, MoP Cloud Serpents, and wolf mounts.

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Monk class mount, Banlu

Right now is the very colorful peachick

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I don’t care that they brought him out of retirement and everyone has it, now. I wanted Tyrael’s Charger for my priest for like a decade and it’s now my go-to mount. Looking forward to him earning dragonflying so I can see the updated horsey animations.

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I don’t really have an absolute fav, except on my Monk - that would be the class mount from legion.

Any mount that is small or sleek with no flappy flappy is my fav.

Bloodfang Widow for me. Ratstallion as a runner-up. I don’t really have any favorite flying mounts that I can think of. I use the Red Flying Cloud a lot because it’s small.

Grand Armored Wyvern is my go to Mount.

Winged Guardian is my favorite looking mount if it ever comes around on the Trading Post, I’ll be finally grabbing it.

Oh damn I actually just remembered a mount I absolutely loved, was probably one of my first farms. I just forgot about it because it’s ground only.
The White War Talbuk.
Made me nostalgic even thinking about that mount.

I wish we could hav character specific favorite mounts.



Land mount: Dune Scavenger

Flying mount: The 2 seater Rocket

I like anything without wings. The carpet, the disc, maybe the Shaman Class mount.

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