Simple: Cataclysm came out 6 years into the life of this game. That’s a long time of playing the same game, for many of the people, daily. WoW’s biggest enemy was simply just time. At some point almost all of the people who are going to make a subscription are going to have made one. It’s a physical impossibility to have a nonstop stream of new players at that kind of volume. There’s only so many people in the world.
This is a 15 year old game. To expect any resemblance of the population while the game was new is just not living in reality.
And it’s something all the fanboys are going to see happen in classic. A finite number of players are going to play for finite amounts of time. At some point, classic is going to be struggling for players.
If that’s the argument being made, then I can’t help but feel like it’s a disingenuous one. As it both ignores the many instances of 40vs40 pvp that go on in battlegrounds, as well as ignores the differences between the way combat works between Modern and Classic WoW.
“The short version of this is that player abilities are very expensive in modern WoW. The way spells are built; how intricate they are, the proc system, everything that happens (in combat) is part of a super complicated structure which really hits a major problem in computer science and computing anyway which really hits an N² issue. So when you get a lot of people in one area something that might be ok in a vacuum is not in a big environment. So we’re actually taking a pass at modern wow and looking some spells and how they’re built so we can address some of these issues.”
“In Clasic WoW, things were much simpler. And over the past 15 years of architecture, we’ve really made huge improvements in our technology as to what we can handle in an area. And what we want is to not have performance issues before we have gameplay issues.”
Also, lol. Thank you forums, for quoting the wrong person.
Looking back, TBC was a raider’s paradise. For me, TBC was the golden age because I was a hardcore raider. There were attunements, raids, quests, the heroics were challenging, and the story was gearing towards Black Temple. If you weren’t into raiding, BC ran out of stuff to do at 70 pretty quickly beyond McGuffins like Epic flying mounts, rap dailies, etc.
It’s a double edged sword, because they might save a few bucks here, but are going to lose more people in the long run. (Like has already been happening)
True, I would push this further and say it’s like cruising the titanic and not paying for a good looker, you saved 1 man salary but your boat is sinking
Well that’s a Hasty generalization , fallacies point out flaws in people’s logic and rationale, makes em smarter in the long run. the point of debate isn’t simply to win an argument. if you a just a bit smarter from a debate, even if you lose, you still win.
Please stop talking, you clearly have no knowledge on this subject and are either trolling or completely misrepresenting the argument.
Even though you do not understand the problem the stress tests already proved that you can handle hundreds of players in a single zone just fine.
So at this point you are either a troll or someone who is ignorant and refuses to correct that ignorance.
And before you say it, no this is not an ad hominem, I am saying you do not understand a subject after you have VERY clearly demonstrated a lack of knowledge on the subject to everyone with even a basic knowledge of the subject.
Red herring and Argument from incredulity. No evidence, just a bunch of claims. Sure you can state your opinion, but you know what they compare opinions to. I am not personally interested in your opinions, so maybe you can direct your opinions at someone who cares?
Would’t the population presumably double in a merge as well? It seems to me supply/demand would stay roughly the same for consumables unless one economy just didn’t have people farming certain things for the AH.
I’d argue that pointing out fallacies is an incredibly poor way to debate. You do nothing to educate the opponent, the audience nor further your own agenda. It’s the equivalent of being a tattle-tale.
And let’s be honest, this is not a debate, this is a discussion. There’s no points to be awarded, no winner to be crowned and no prize to be handed out.
Maybe you can stop being a deliberate ignoramus then. Go educate yourself on basic server architecture.
I made no red herring or argument from incredulity.
I did 2 things:
provided evidence for a claim that did not need it. The stress tests very clearly had hundreds of players in a single zone and thousands on the same layer.
pointing out the fact that you do not understand the topic, which is clear to anyone with even a basic understanding of the topic. People have tried to educate you and explain why your complaints are invalid, but you refuse to listen to them. This means one of two things is true. Either you are a troll OR you are ignorant and consciously choose to remain ignorant so you can hold on to your irrational anger, eother case you are not worth listening to at this point.
And I hoped Blizzard would ignore those complainers, and sadly they didn’t. By the time I got into the second stress test, they had gone so overboard with layering caps that there was virtually no quest competition. And it lead to a completely miserable experience. I felt like…well, I was playing BfA. Just solo questing with no need to group.
Of course, this was a test. It doesn’t mean they’ll use those incredibly low caps when the game launches. But hearing Ion say that having to quest with so many other people is a miserable experience…it makes me think that they are catering to that flawed concept. It’s applying Current WoW design to Classic. Convenience > commitment. They’re training players to expect and rely on this kind of design right from the start. It’s anti-community and players will maintain that philosophy going forward. What a terrible way to build a community in an mmorpg.
Not quite there is a time and a place for pointing out fallacious arguments. However thats not what he is doing. He is a troll and just want to rile people who also do not understand the problem so they do not listen to rational people who are trying to explain what is happening and realize this is not a problem.
At the end of the last stress test they turned it off. To simulate what will happen when they end layering.
They may turn it off on the last day of beta. I am willing to bet at the end of the next test, they will do the same as last time and condense them all down to 1 layer.