I’m only against exploitable layering, the issues brought to my attention, and learning what the server infrastructure may look like… Makes me hope blizzard comes up with a solution to prevent it, and even better would be to remove it once a majority of the hype train reach level 45 or so.
Well, they already supposedly implemented a cooldown on layer swapping, and many of us are still pushing for a “rested zones only” layer swapping limit. That would stop the majority of problems and make exploitation more of a hassle than it’s worth.
Generally, the argument from authority or false authority, is an argument from an authority, but on a topic outside of the particular authority’s expertise or on a topic on which the authority is not disinterested (i.e., is biased). The argument is considered conditionally fallacious, because an appeal to authority may be appropriate.
In order for the argument from authority to be considered a logical fallacy, the argument must appeal to the authority because of their qualifications, and not because of their evidence in the argument. Moreover, the argument can be fallacious if the authority lacks actual qualifications in the field being discussed.
If this was court you would be going to jail for that, now please present the evidence you claimed to have in regards to the current server infrastructure being able to hold 400+ people in an area.
Seems to me that Voodoo is using a Fallacy Fallacy in order to get out of doing a simple google search for the video.
4:30 if the time mark doesn’t work.
"“Our goal is to not have classic have sharding in the long term. A healthy realm is a certain population(we know what that is) and that’s what we’re targeting to accomplish in three, four, however many weeks it takes to reach that target; that’s what we’re after.”
Yep, they say that is a Goal, yet that isn’t any sort of evidence to a server holding more than 400 people in an area nor is it stated with certainty. They might be able to achieve that goal they might not, and I’ll tell you why they sttate it that way, is because they can’t hold 400 people in an area without sharting or layering them. The entire premise of that goal is contingent on massive population decrease.
Their goal was also to deliver an authentic wow experience, and they have people phasing in and out, so that tells you how much faith can be put in their “goals”.
No, I stated initially there is no evidence to support the claim that layering can be turned off, which is the positive claim, supporting 400 people in 1 area would be evidence to the claim that they can turn it off. As it is, there is no evidence to support that they can turn it off in a manner that would support the population.
In BfA its a well supported claim, by a 40vs40 Paladin DK brawl breaking the server. At 6:10 they directly address that though and say that Vanilla can handle it.
Because cloud servers can emulate physical servers perfectly, but they also let you do things like layering to solve problems that arise when players stop playing like the did in retail which caused dead realms which caused them to introduce LFD and CRZ to combat those because people do not like server merges
Depends what N is actually, because with more people it just goes up, they can’t hold 80 people right now in retail casting spells, so imagine 400 people casting spells that are less taxing. the spells would have to be 5x more taxing on the server in retail than in vanilla to fail equally. Which doesn’t seem likely.