Were there this many ravagers in original TBC?

I recall those, too!

yes, it is one of the most nauseating symptoms of the min/max culture.

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you don’t absolutely 100% need that extra minor dps boost from the ravager over something more elegant like a cat -.-


This is backwards. Once u hit 35-40% crit your ravager cant dunp focus fast enough and it’s a dps loss to not use a windserpent lightning breath.

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sorry, i’m just repeating what i read from what a petopia guide said. i’ll try and find it and post the link or apologize if i was wrong.

Ye kids these days don’t understand how the internet didn’t really get super popular until 2009. Before then you’d be scared to even go to certain sites for fear of infecting the house computer with virus’ LUL. Ye petopia existed, but not many people knew it existed.

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you’re right. i was thinking backwards of what i read: https://dotesports.com/wow/news/tbc-classic-best-hunter-pets-leveling-raiding-arena

back then, ravagers were popular because they were the new dps pet in town.

now, ravagers are popular because spreadsheets say so, and we all know how nearly every player does what they’re told…


Danned meta sheep.

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preach on, brother pally! =]

It’s not a very complex game, so not following the “meta” just ends up meaning that you’re not picking low hanging fruit and handicapping yourself and the people you play with for no reason.

There are no alternative ways to play, it’s black and white.

There are plenty of ways to play… If you’re not a sheep.

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you are a meta slave

is picking a cat over a ravager “handicapping yourself”?


Yeah I definitely feel the level-boost facilitated this to a great degree. All the warrior dps became hunters and the warrior tanks became paladins. I think people would have still re-rolled without the boost, but with a greater penalty on doing so it would have been a deterrence.


Also many of the meta slaves aren’t even good. They may pick the FoTM class and spec and use the BiS lists but they still are bad players. I often outdps many of the meta slaves even with my “meme” spec.


I would say something mean, but then Big Bird and the Snuffleupagus would show up at my house and hurt me.


TBC has two buttons. There is no “good”.

Meta gaming really does mask bad playing. Bosses die too quick for mechanics to matter. If you stack your toon well enough, the boss dies after the first round of bursting.

In PvP on the other hand, we have warriors, paladins and shamans showing up in things that aren’t plate. They’re pretty squishy!

Once I hit 70 ima spec to SV and buff a melee comp with Expose weakness, Improved hunters mark, Pet wolf howl"
I like the wolf pets best.

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