Were there this many ravagers in original TBC?

i definitely remember much more diversity in pets back then. and i hate ravagers, ugly as hell. if i was a hunter i would pick a cat and just eat the minor dps loss.

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Absolutely not.

Iā€™m going to stick with my faithful owl.

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Was way more different pets back then, cats were still popular as were some pets like wolves and boars and the flying TBC types.

Ravager is best on a guide so people picked themā€¦ like they did with Horde and racials, too many people follow min/max.

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This is 100% false and made up.

If you donā€™t understand why ravager is used you prolly shouldnā€™t make a comment about it.

wind serpents are better until u get gear, then the ravager surpasses because of the scaling with your stats.

its a simple math why ravager do more damage. The ability is called gore hit for 50 % of what claw does but hit 2 time. Since every hunter is bm it mean frenzy as more chance to have 100% uptime.

Does ravager do more damage than a cat by himself no but in the right context yes.

Like no one ever was.

Not on my server. And considering how much I loved the ravager, was pretty disappointed to see almost no one picking one up during prepatch and then all of a sudden it was the only hunter pet.

They are correct, you are wrong, the math has been done in the hunter discord for weeks now and proven that this is the case vs cat & raptor with max rank claw and bite. If you donā€™t play hunter and you donā€™t theorycraft then you prolly shouldnā€™t make a comment about it.

Your clown self got the whole squad laughin man, thanks.

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I honestly hate it. I think Hunter pets are one of the most unique, self-identifying features of any class in WoW, and everyone ruins it by just grabbing the meta pet.


Been running a cat for a while. Mainly because the .9 attack speed for wpvp against casters. I probably wonā€™t pick up a ravenger in hellfire. Maybe something new in terrorkar once I get there or Nagrand wit hall the beasts out there.

Or Iā€™ll just keep my striped STV cat to 70 and really piss off the sweat lords.

Thatā€™s wrong. Gore does slightly less damage than claw, but has a 50% chance of doing double damage, which makes it just a straight upgrade to claw.

I would love to have more pets, but we only have 3 stable slots still. If I want to be optimal, I have a Ravager for PvE, a Scorpid for playing drain comps in PvP, and an Owl for PvE progression where Screech is useful. And thatā€™s all my stable slots. Iā€™d love to have a Warp-Stalker and a Wolf, just because Warp Stalker seems great in PvP when youā€™re not playing a drain comp. Wolf is also good for when Iā€™m playing MM in BGs and just want to blow something up with Furious Howl + Aimed Shot. Iā€™d also like a cat for Shadowmeld + Prowl. I tried Dragonhawk for a while for the fire breath in dungeons, which was actually pretty decent and interesting. But I can only have 3 pets, so I had to dump the Wolf, Warp-stalker, Cat, and Dragonhawk for the pets thatā€™re more important.

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Which is a real shame. Takes the fun out of the Hunter for me. Pets are such a huge, fun part of the class.

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Yeah, and you also have to keep in mind that a lot of the people thatā€™re rerolling Hunters now are the Rogues/Warriors from Classic that ONLY care about playing the meta DPS, so they donā€™t really care about any of the class flavor.


yeah, thatā€™s probably the biggest thing [expanding huntersā€™ stables] i can say retail did right. hunter was my very first toon when i started playing vanilla, and my love for the class has always been the pets and being able to express your ā€œmoodā€ or uniqueness thru them. the two things blizz did right but later changed was pet specific traits and buffs and the ability to retrain their roles. if they couldā€™ve left those features in game, iā€™d probably still be maining her in SL.

OP, I was a hunter through most of original TBC and Ravagers were the DPS pet of choice. Most, if not all hunters had a Ravager.

Donā€™t get me wrong, we have multiple stable slots and one of them had a warpstalker in it to play with and maybe do general questing with to keep it leveled up. But when it came time to do instances, raids, or get serious, the Ravager came out.

I was a hunter in TBC and I used a Ravager. I remember it being pretty common knowledge that it was the best for DPS.

I recall ravagers being quite popular.

After 35 or 40% crit the preferred pet is gonna be a wind serpent again since we wont be able to dump the pet focus fast enough with the crits returning 50 pet energy.

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