We're saved

It will work with obliteration talent.

Soul reaper will work with obliteration *

Over the entire duration

1 grip, and yes this is the primary loss

But when does it do this damage, And how. Thats the question you gotta ask

This is partly because soulreaper doesnt interact with the rotation, and slows down our overall burst. Which makes healing past 35% easier

The change will make Soulreaper contribute to our burst, And hence contribute to keeping people below 35%

Indeed it can be dispelled, But just because it can be dispelled doesnt mean its not good, think about it you can bait dispels with soulreaper now under the right circumstances and then land kills with abilities that need to be dispelled like mindgames or paladin HoJ

But it does have a concentrated spike of burst damage typically occuring at the same time as another GCD such as obliterate from the DK

Like i mentioned before, what makes soulreaper good is WHEN it actually ends up proccing youre essentially getting 2 gcds in 1

Thats only the case currently, The upcoming changes make soulreaper have a chance to refund its rune cost, Making it proc killing machine so you dont lose damage like before

For any new player who doesnt understand how soulreaper can have value its all in its ability to surprise

If youre floating around 55% health you might think youre not in danger of immediate death against a dk for example, But if the dk times a soulreaper properly next patch, they could store up 2 obliterates, use soulreaper, and then use both oblits back to back and by the second oblit soulreaper will be ending, and if theyre at 35% health itll proc at the same time as the second obliterate

This happens within around 1.5s and looks like this in game

55% HP: Oblit—>1.5s gcd, And now they’re at 40%hp - - → Oblit, Now theyre at 25% and also SRprocs during this same GCD because they dipped below threshold and kills them

I can personally record a video of this setup if youd like to visually see what im saying, But basically it happens very fast. And dont underestimate the value of squeezing in 2 globals at once

You can very much treat soulreaper like a “delayed” obliterate and land kills by getting this delayed obliterate to proc at the same time as a normal obliterate inside the same global

This REALLY reminds me of Explosive Shot Marksmanship Hunters have. And then a subsequent Aim Shots and Rapid Fire boosted with Unerring Vision Trueshot with an Explosive Shot that will trigger any given moment.

That’s a lot of damage and pressure. o,o

Hell a lot more nuanced than MM hunters though since SR giving KM seems like very global sensitive. Using KM Obliterate 3 times in a row seems

It is a bit global sensitive, but ironically enough the pathing to take soulreaper is the superior pathing to take for fdk anyway

Abom limb is the awkward capstone with the bad talents following it

Unholy bond is superior, Soulreaper overall is superior ST and deaths echo a critical talent for fdk setups follows the same path as SR

Why play abom when i can play double DA double grip, DnD cleave, unholy bond

Its not even that abom is bad, its really good aoe and overall pressure with a minor utility component but fdks can setup easier without it, using double grip

They get blinded and stunned in the setup anyway, dont really need to grip back in because usually they die in the stun anyway

soulreaper actually lowkey works with the setup better because while theyre blinded you just SR then and right as the stun fades so will SR

Maybe it’s me but I always find Unholy Bond a bit lackluster. It’s an extra 3% strength from FC for 2 points. It’s somehow better than Icy Talons and I have no idea how often Rune Mastery procs.

In a sense, I’m still a filthy casual looking for a purpose to keep playing. Because I don’t particularly pay attention to how often RM procs as much as I really should to determine how good this talent is.

And hey, damage nodes in the class tree are usually taken due to the DPS parsing culture and it kind of make sense Unholy Bond is still valued because of it is one of the few nodes that increases our damage.

It cannot be said for nodes like Brittle because since Non-Unholy DK can’t control ghouls, it’s a very unreliable damage increase. And pathing towards it kind of suck too.

I dunno. Am I underestimating a couple of nodes? I wanted Soul Reaper to do more respectable damage but reading your post about banking KM and its application, it makes sense that you would want it to work that way.

And extra healing from FC, and extra Razorice value from avalanche from 15% to 18% also

so it nets you 3% str, 3% frost damage, 2-3% more healing from FC and if you play spellwarden its +20% shield

for 1 talent thats a lot more benefits than you get from abom limbs 6% strength proc

Soulreaper does do respectable damage, it actually is your hardest hitting ability the only issue is the fact it works against itself rotationally. You will want to get soulreapers inside of cds and as it stands now thats nigh impossible because it works against itself

But yes in general if soulreaper is good, than that only is a good thing for us because its better to go down that side of the tree anyway, abom limb is the worst place followed by the lesser talent to get compared to if SR was just good and we stayed on that side of the tree with all the good stuff

Okay the healing from FC is maybe a bit of an oversight.

But are you telling me Unholy Bond works with Razorice and Spellwarden EVEN if you don’t runeforge them into your weapon?

Reading that text again
 If that’s really the case, that’s
 REALLY freaking good.

Yes, the talent simply increases the effect of runeforges

Spellwarden, regardless of how you have it, is considered a runeforge and therefore affected

Unholy bond can actively buff 3 runeforges at 1 given time which is part why rune mastery is so underwhelming

Like 6% Str when i net that same amount via 3% FC 3% RI

But without the added heal bonus, and the added SW value

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I really underestimated this node then. No wonder BoS is absolute nuts.

I knew it worked with FC and Hysteria. But I didn’t know it would work with RI. Or rather 
 I thought it would affect the Runeforge enchanted ON a weapon not the runeforge from different sources.

AND Dks are REALLY tanky vs magic damage and they are EVEN MORE tankier with Gloom Ward and Will of the Necropolis which is a ridiculous amount of DR before it got nerfed in PvP.


Hence why this entire time i tried to make people understand it was literally never DS as the issue it was literally all that extra hidden sneaky stuff

Giga spellwarden, giga WotN, Gloomward feeding DS healing with all the wild absorbs

They should add Apocalypse Runeforge in the Unholy Tree to make Unholy Bond more enticing for Unholy then. Only fair as Frost innately applies Razorice, right? :sweat_smile:

But wow I feel like a massive idiot not knowing the full nitty gritty about Unholy Bond and not understanding that node properly.

I’m rooting for Rune of Apocalypse to be good

Better idea, Bake in Fallen crusader since its been the universal pick for years, and clearly should just be a dk proc

That way frost and unholy can use their thematic runeforges aka apoc and RI

giga buff rune of the apoc too

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Imagine if they removed FC because of that bolded statement. :joy:

 and not baking it in just to spite even more. :rofl:

An unlikely event but a hilarious thought nonetheless.

its like i always say about modifiers

if you remove them that just means baseline buffs

so if they remove FC that would mean likely we just would get a flat % buff overall to compensate

I reckon instead, they should add some runic power spender ability that does frost damage in a cone in front of you for as long as you have runic power. Draining 16 per second, generating 2 runes at the start and end of it on a 2 minute cooldown. I reckon that’d be great.

You mean extreme downtime, the ability?

Could call it something like Breath of
 uh what is the undead frost dragon that the lich king has in his citadel again? Name it after that.

You didnt ask why they would store 2 Obliterates and then use SR which would be overwriting one of the KM procs?

Not only that but they have complained about disarms. Unless you can do all that damage outside of a Pillar window (if you arent building crit have fun stacking KM procs at all in pvp) then people will just complain about disarms even more than they already are.

Also, runeforges have to compete with enchants. FC will be a runeforge as long as there are things like Sophic Devotion for it to compete with or else you just start enchanting your weapons instead of using the system that was supposed to be a unique thing to DK’s. Free enchants.

Eyes should change color to spec


I’m thinking Pillar → SR → FS → 2x oblit for some dangerous burst