We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

The issue is that with no monetary value attached to add ons whatsoever you would be completely unable to make an real case that your add on rights being violated have any weight.

Now curse has a very vested interest in maintaining the integrity of add ons they host, but hosting an add on github even if it’s an exact copy of another one? All I have to do is say in the credits source code provided by whoever modified by me.

Of course because there’s little reason for there to be, not that it can’t be done. Part of the value of an add on is huge numbers of people using the same version.

Because nobody ever needed to before.

If the addon creators release their own classic version, I imagine people will just use that.

During alphas/betas I’ve seen people post code to modify existing versions of current retail addons in the forums before or on other sites to get them working before an official release was available.

Already said:
Decursive (new style, not broken style of course)

Couple that I haven’t seen, but would like:
Ackis Recipe List
Remove Gryphons

Also getting a working version of GTFO would be pretty nice

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The issue is intillectual property. Why would someone bother to place a licence if it had no legal effect.

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Please name an add on creator with a license that prevents me from taking their add on code and just rebranding it.

You can take a car an re-birth it… legal much?

Would 1.12 versions of it help figure it out? IE: this is supposed to be a 1.12 backport of TomTom that private servers use.


I have researched the issue and found the licensing arrangements for each of the add-ons in question. The GitHub repos that constituted a breach have been marked as private and therefore inaccessible to anyone but me. I have removed the links to them in the OP and made an apology to the authors in it.

If, and only if, they contact me somehow and communicate clearly that it’s okay for me to allow people to use these modifications in the beta, I will mark them public again and restore the links in the OP. Or, if they wish, I will be more than happy to link to their own Classic-compatible revision to their add-on in the OP.

As I continue to look for add-ons to port, I will diligently seek the licensing material for the add-on and ensure that it permits redistribution of modifications.


Sure and good luck making your case for why someone modifying your add on is some huge issue. Open source is a weird issue because of it’s well open nature.

I know this was not done with ill intent and salute your action.

Addons that are sill being maintained in retail should make it to Classic when their owners have access and time to put a out a product they a willing to continue to support.

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Addons are not Open Source. Open Source has(is) a licence that says you can modify and re-distribute.

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And a large part of the issues with violating it come from monetary problems. Add ons in WoW have no monetary value in and of themselves.

Actually, addon authors can accept donations. The more people making illegal re-distributions reduces the original author’s ability attract people that might do just that.

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I agree it is a huge messy issue.

Not to many addon authors :wink:

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If they make it an actual legal issue it is. Modifying software especially something like LUA code just enough that it appears different is quite easy to do.

Not if the title of the thread is… lol

Hey man, I appreciate your motives (because I share them), but Fizzlemizz is right. This is not about money. This is about an author controlling their work, which is a fundamental pillar of industrialized civilization. It may seem silly in the context of a totally visible script that’s altering a video game, but as a matter of principle, what I did was wrong. And it probably wouldn’t seem silly to the person that spent countless hours making something that I just jury-rigged to work with a new version of the game in about one.

Valuing these add-ons means valuing their authors, which entails respect for what they wish done with their work.