We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

Bless. Sorry for raining on your parade.

Enjoy the Beta.

wasnt the DBM guy sick or something awhile back?

While this sounds like a fun addon bear in mind doing this may get you in trouble with both Blizzard and the surviving members of Creedence clearwater revival.

Altough Blizzard allows you to do sound file replacements they do not support re-distributing copyrighted works without the authors permission.


I agree with that principal that you should honor the original author. There is also an argument that when the original author doesn’t update in a timely manner at what point does it become fair game?

And if you aren’t trying to usurp the original author but merely providing an interim solution what harm is there? Especially since as you noted sites like curse don’t even have a beta add on section.

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oh apparently the DBM classic has a waypoint arrow too, check out his twitter


curse does, sort of, WoW interface usualy sets something up for Beta versions.

If the “re-birthed” addon breaks and people want a fix, where do you think they will go to report “bugs”. So now they have the double headache because they can’t support a pirated addon on a version of the game they don’t have access to.

And apparently timely is now two days…

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Just to be clear here are you talking about their 8.2 PTR section or a section setup particularly for Classic beta addons.

If it’s the later do you have a link to that section ?

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Oh neat. I hadn’t bothered downloading DBM since I didn’t think I’d need anything from it up to level 30, but I was finding it annoying when people gave coordinates and I had no way to locate them.

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curse has a drop down section by “Game Version” , thats why i said ‘sort of’ for them, wow interface doesn’t have a beta section up yet, but they have done that for previous betas.

Shout out to add-on authors following this thread:

If folks have requested your add-on in Beta but you lack beta access and don’t mind a little pair programming via Skype or Discord screen sharing, I will work with you to get your add-on running in the Beta.

Coordinates box at the top of your screen (Untested in Beta because I don’t have access).

/run local p,f="player",CreateFrame("Button",nil,UIParent,"OptionsButtonTemplate")f:SetPoint("TOP",0,0)f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(s,e)x,y=C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(p),p):GetXY()f:SetText(format("(%.2f,%.2f)",x*100,y*100))end)


Thanks, I’ll try that next time I get on.

ElvUI - one of the addon authors for this sits on an Addons Discord channel I have access to. They’ve said they’ll “probably have a port of it for Classic” but no official plans as yet (but it’s very likely they will). If anyone one has a source on better info on this feel free to correct me on this.

oUF and Classic OUF - They’re looking for a person or team to update and maintain it for classic. If you think that person or team is you please apply here

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/shrug just went to curseforge. com and didn’t see a section for wow classic.

see my above reply as what I meant, though some people are making classic versions and putting them there with the current ones, Im sure they will separate them somehow.

Which doesn’t list 8.2 or Classic beta 1.13 yet.

You do remember Classic is using a modified version of the current modern 8.xx client right ? So hence the API won’t be 1.12 from years past ?

Yeah that’s why I’m really not stressing if someone like the OP is providing a very temporary solution for certain add ons.

hence the ‘sort of’ qualifier:O), some of the individual addons will separately list a PTR or Beta version too.

this is the ‘project page’, it has more alpha versions and such


I think in the past when I got beta versions thats where i mostly got them from Curse, or else I went to WoWinterface

btw-- the Vuhdo author is working on a Classic version and has an alpha up on his SVN.

i actually misspoke , when i say people are making classic versions, i really meant they are making classic addons for random things, not remaking old ones and listing them, don’t think Curse would let them anyway.