We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

You can bet when Classic launches there will be services for uploading combat logs and ranking players. They even exist for private servers.

Thank you for letting me know!

I hope to make CTMod available on classic, and I think I’m in next week’s stress test so I’ll see if I can use that opportunity to get it working.

(Current maintainer since 2017)


Cool and thanks, I use CTMOD on live.

Select for Classic.


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Any good reference material on learning how to make addons?

There is a vanilla addon called pfquest that is arguably as good as or better than Questie. Would it be possible to port it to Classic?

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Inspired by this thread I’ve added a Classic Addons section to legacy-wow.
If you know of an addon I’m missing or are looking for addons this may be helpful.
The download URL’s are directly to the respective addon’s github where possible.



I love Shagu’s pfUI! Please let him know Classic would benefit greatly from it :slight_smile: I’ve used his UI for a long time and I prefer it over ElvUI or TukUI. Aso great news that you’re incorporating pfQuest features into Questie, thank you!

I have so many macros that I think that’s the reason I prefer oPie, because it doesn’t require a macro slot, you just bind it to a key combo. I swear, I’m always having to delete macros, because I have zero space. Either way, I’d be fine with just about anything that works the same way getting ported, because I don’t know if I can live without it now.

I thought of another amazing addon that I’d love ported.

Adi-Bags is fantastic and something I’m not sure if I could go without after getting so used to it.

Thanks for being awesome :slight_smile:

Giving this thread a bit bump for the Stress Test coming tomorrow :slight_smile:

There are some really great addons here for those who want to use addons~

Can someone also get kgpanels added?

The UI I’ve made looks alot better with it:



second on the adi-bags - i’ve used it since it was released

pfUI Shagu
bagon or adi bags

onebag has a version that works, though i like bagnon too:O)

Anyone know the command to create a waypoint? Currently in retail you can just /way “coordinates” and it creates the arrow to point towards it but in classic that isn’t working. Is there another way to do this there?

That is a function of some add-on not the game itself. I know TomTom will do that and I think there are a few others but it’s not a game function that I know of.

Bartender 4


"Preliminary WoW Classic support, not fully complete yet "

Nevcairiel needs to get a druid to level 10 to properly test shifting forms with it tho.

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Update: I got the CT_BarMod and CT_BottomBar “ported” over to classic beta. Just download the latest alpha version at the curseforge project page.

(reposting with my main)