You can bet when Classic launches there will be services for uploading combat logs and ranking players. They even exist for private servers.
I hope to make CTMod available on classic, and I think I’m in next week’s stress test so I’ll see if I can use that opportunity to get it working.
(Current maintainer since 2017)
Cool and thanks, I use CTMOD on live.
Select for Classic.
Any good reference material on learning how to make addons?
There is a vanilla addon called pfquest that is arguably as good as or better than Questie. Would it be possible to port it to Classic?
Inspired by this thread I’ve added a Classic Addons section to legacy-wow.
If you know of an addon I’m missing or are looking for addons this may be helpful.
The download URL’s are directly to the respective addon’s github where possible.
I love Shagu’s pfUI! Please let him know Classic would benefit greatly from it I’ve used his UI for a long time and I prefer it over ElvUI or TukUI. Aso great news that you’re incorporating pfQuest features into Questie, thank you!
I have so many macros that I think that’s the reason I prefer oPie, because it doesn’t require a macro slot, you just bind it to a key combo. I swear, I’m always having to delete macros, because I have zero space. Either way, I’d be fine with just about anything that works the same way getting ported, because I don’t know if I can live without it now.
I thought of another amazing addon that I’d love ported.
Adi-Bags is fantastic and something I’m not sure if I could go without after getting so used to it.
Thanks for being awesome
Giving this thread a bit bump for the Stress Test coming tomorrow
There are some really great addons here for those who want to use addons~
Can someone also get kgpanels added?
The UI I’ve made looks alot better with it:
second on the adi-bags - i’ve used it since it was released
pfUI Shagu
bagon or adi bags
onebag has a version that works, though i like bagnon too:O)
Anyone know the command to create a waypoint? Currently in retail you can just /way “coordinates” and it creates the arrow to point towards it but in classic that isn’t working. Is there another way to do this there?
That is a function of some add-on not the game itself. I know TomTom will do that and I think there are a few others but it’s not a game function that I know of.
Bartender 4
"Preliminary WoW Classic support, not fully complete yet "
Nevcairiel needs to get a druid to level 10 to properly test shifting forms with it tho.
Update: I got the CT_BarMod and CT_BottomBar “ported” over to classic beta. Just download the latest alpha version at the curseforge project page.
(reposting with my main)