We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

I know I haven’t manually installed an addon in years, but I cant seem to get the addon button to show up.

Addons placed into E:\World of Warcraft_classic_beta_\Interface\AddOns and a using ones from this list.

Most likely problem is wrong folder name, or the addons are in a sub folder

The structure should be like this:

Each addon has a .toc file inside, and the folder name needs to match the name of that file

did you copy/paste that? because you’re missing a \ between world of warcraft and _classicbeta

PallyPower stopped updating a long time ago right? Is it even in the realm of possible? Man, won’t be the same without that.

Yeah I had copy/pasted not sure why it showed up without a /.

After looking for .toc for each addon. Looks like I’m an idiot and figured the DBM was compiled as one folder. Having each its own folder seems to have fixed it. I believe that may have also been causing others to not show up since now other addons also appear.

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Blizzard should break clique it makes healing too easy… anyone arguing against that fact is being disingenuous.

How is clique healing too easy?

U only need to hover over a raid icon and click one button to heal rather than clicking the icon then the heal. It removes one step making raid healing a joke

Are mouseover macros working in classic? If so you’d have to disable those too.

I dunno i just know as a healer i see it as something that severely trivializes raiding. Also unit frames that advertise heals being cast on raid members is also too much. That sorta stuff was never there. Grid didnt come out till bc i think

But things like healbot/decursive existed in vanilla raiding for a lil bit at least and that would auto select who you healed and what rank with 1 click of a button.
So the argument about trivializing raids is not a good one here, it does help with raiding to have clique but it’s nothing compared to what existed in vanilla.

My god, you classicologists are really out of it.

Mouseover healing was possible in vanilla. You can get versions of clique for the 1.12 API on private servers which I found in 5 seconds on google.

In fact, healers had way more powerful tools in vanilla than they do now, particularly in early vanilla.

There were raid frame replacement addons in vanilla. It doesn’t matter if grid or vuhdo were, there were others.

Also, currently in beta the raid frames are retail raid frames, not the horrendous garbage we had in vanilla. The vanilla raid frames were trash, which is what drove a lot of people (healers especially) to download some of their first addons if they weren’t already using them.

Decursive is getting broke pretty sure i heard that somewhere. And Ian said at blizzcon they would be breaking addons that they thot were not in the spirit of vanilla so these addons are not imo. I dont like questie being in the game either because that sorta system is one of the things that made questing so disengaging. But i dont have as much a problem cuz its not affecting difficulty. Ppl will just use wowhead if they didnt have it.

Clique was backported for private servers it was not in original wow i was a shaman i would know.

Yes, decursive’s ability to automated functions are being broken. I’m aware of that.
I’m saying that the argument you’re making about clique making raiding trivial is disingenuous based on what was available in vanilla.
What was available in vanilla made it much easier than what clique offers.

My memory remembers xperl unit frames. Thats the only ones i think were there in actual vanilla

It doesn’t matter if the actual addon was there or not (though clique itself has been around since what, TBC?). The point is that it was possible.

Mouseover style healing was possible with the vanilla API, you have no ground to stand on to demand that it be removed.

Decursive was in actual vanilla and they are breaking it so that is my ground.

Only the ability to automate its usage is being broken, they are not breaking the addon as a whole.

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Just becuz an addon can work doesnt mean it should.