We're porting Retail add-ons to Beta, Come Get 'Em

That’s immensely irrational. Decursive is not coming back because you literally just spammed a button and it played the game for you.

Mouseover healing is a UI convenience. It doesn’t play the game for you. It doesn’t make decisions for you.

Right so clicking one button wont work anymore. Its just my opinion guys. Dont be upset.

No… No… Clicking 1 button and it auto selecting your debuff target and picking the appropriate spell is what is being broken.

You can still use addons like that to push 1 button but that button has to be directed somewhere (mouseover) and only 1 spell can be selected to that button. That functionality will still be available.

Mouseover healing doesn’t target for you. It doesn’t have a priority list and just magically dispel people with zero thought. There is no rational logical comparison between early vanilla decursive and mouseover healing.

I’m just trying to help you understand that your opinion is wrong.

Well ya u can just make a cast macro at that point if you are actually selecting the target yourself

I’m hitting some road blocks in my efforts to make what I was expecting to be a relatively simple warlock shard addon, and could use some input from someone with addon programming experience, if one of the addon devs can spare some time to meet up on beta and chat (probably will have to be sometime after the stress test).

Then why ban an addon (like healbot) when blizzard offers the functionality?

I’ve dug through the 1.12 API quite a bit over the years while working on questie, and if there’s one thing I learned its that there are some major holes in the logic. Addons that do 100% of your rotation logic with superhuman accuracy are only possible in 1.12 because things like CastSpellByName are not “protected”. Starting in 2.x blizzard protected that function and many others because people were starting to abuse them for things like this. It’s a really good thing because, CastSpellByName is just the tip of the iceburg. On nostalrius someone posted a malware addon that would mail all the player’s gold to some random name and automatically click the “yes” button on the mail, because all of those functions are unprotected

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To be more clear, it was possible with both the 1.12 API and the current more restricted retail API.

They’ve already said they’re not bringing back the level of automation that was possible before, but that’s not a meaningful comparison to something like clique, which is just a keybinding tool with mouseover features built in.

Or basically, it was always possible in every version of the game with every version of the API and it therefor makes no sense to argue that it should be removed from classic.

I feel like being able to see who is receiving incoming heals prevents overhealing and mana waste. Mana is precious in vanilla and once ur oom ur screwed. I feel like that needs to be emphasized when we say an addon that will show me ya so n so is bout to die but this other guy already casting heal so i can focus another dude is pretty strong.

You know how people dealt with that in vanilla?
They assigned groups to healers. So it only slightly helps people in that they don’t necessarily have to assign healing orders.

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Ppl would also macro casting spell name on target but iit was not as efficient as just being able to stare at raid frames. Felt more engaging. Anyways thats all just voicing i guess an unpopular opinion gotta go get some stuff done later boys

It’s kinda amazing that the #NoChanges group is okay with changes that LITERALLY change the playstyle from vanilla to classic (I remember decursive), but are against simple things like Clique.

Hell, I remember back in vanilla someone made a very rudimentary auto attack bot addon… it could auto attack/rotate/cast spells… totally afk.



Can we get one small QoL addon? WoW Instant Messenger aka WIM

And some nice druid mana bar and energy tick addons.

addons for vanilla should be a bannable offense

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Request: RankWatch - wowinterface com/downloads/info15404-RankWatch.html

So don’t use them. Your attitude towards addons should be banned.


More questie updates today:

  • added quest turn-in points
  • added mob/item tooltips
  • fixed a bug where quest log data would sometimes update improperly when checking immediately after quest status changes (This was the source of quite a few quirks in the previous builds)

Next on the list is tracker integration, toggling specific quests on the map, porting the crazy taxi arrow, then the config UI

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anyone working on omen or something other aggro list addon?

We don’t have a choice in the subject.

It’s funny how you try to call those for no changes hypocrites when you’re ignoring Blizzard’s own statements.

Keep your own hypocrisy to yourself.