I’ll admit I’ve only skimmed some of thread cause it’s got many replies already, but basic gist i gathered was that for most part the addon community isn’t gonna get mad at someone putting up some temp modifications in good will with no intent to take over, or harm the original addon or take money from their work. But I agree it is still a gray area and would have been better with original authors giving the go ahead in advance of doing so (and in all honestly , the authors probably would have)
Anyways, to the OP, keep maintaining this thread with all the latest info in original topic so we can help users not only get our addons into the beta, but get us some feedback on them. more people using our addons, the better.
Wow… now I know there are author advocates out there with our best interests at heart, I’ll sleep soundly.
Sarcasm aside, the subject is not what you or I “recon” will be ok. If you wouldn’t treat Blizzard’s IP with such disregard then I think your own efforts and anyone else that sinks time into creatively supporting them should be treated with the same favor.
Huh? Betas have always had addons disabled until closer to release. If you mean why don’t all authors have all addons ready to go second one of a gold then… Huh?
Authors, as you have pointed out, don’t get paid. That doesn’t mean the work they do for near nothing should be subject to being treated with disrespect because “you wanna”.
Are you entirely missing the point of this thread? Add ons completely exist in betas. Noone is trying to disrespect addon creators. All the OP was trying to do was provide a very intermediate solution for the beta.
Maybe you should be less of a dbag and not assume that people like the OP are just trying to screw over add on builders.
The point of the thread met your wishes, that I understand. The thread itself was not appropriate, that I pointed out. Because the two don’t align, I’m a dbag.
Now we know the parameters for timely and dbag. Thank you for the clarifications.
Pfui would be sweet. Really hope he changes his mind and ports it to classic. If not elvui will have to do.
Dhud would be awesome as well. I’d probably just use this and a bar mod. A swing timer and a threat meter. /shrug
You do realize that most AddOns have licensing like any other intellectual property, and the vast majority of AddOns are Copyright, All Rights Reserved? That means you cannot alter them in any way and make your changes public. And yes, AddOn authors have filed Cease and Desist letters in the past, even consulted lawyers. I’m just saying…
Personally I think keep add-ons to a minimum. If they keep movable player/target frames and new raid frames that’s a good chunk of improvement right there.
I heard they removed the built in cool down counter, so OmniCC would be useful.
Vanilla had Enemy Cast Bar since you couldnt see those; if they removed that again having an add-on like that would help a lot.
With the assumed slightly updated UI not sure if something like CTRaidAssist would be needed.
Obligatory sarcastic not serious reply:. GEARSCORE
Actually sickening you people want to ruin classic with addons.
Why play the game when you can have DBM yell at you to play for you.
Are you kidding me? This is troll thread right? If you seriously think you need DBM for classic you should not be playing classic. Stop trying to make the greatest MMORPG of all time a watered down dumbed down version because “meh addons!!”
I hope Blizzard breaks all of them. Learn to play.