Yeah. Alliance already had gnomes, and instead of making them customizable, they make an entire new race is those same gnomes wearing diapers.
And horde get a Rocket look-alike from Guardians of the galaxy.
To that other poster that thinks 10 million people still play this game and that 1% play diaper gnomes…sure.
I’d be surprised if there are 1 million total active subs for both horde and alliance, and 100k total alliance players. I’d say .1% of that gate themselves and play diaper gnomes, so 100 people.
personally i would have preferred lepergnomes or these acting as a cosmetic for standard gnomes but whatever. i know them to be rather unpopular outside of a small fraction of the diehard gnomelovers, but, i hope blizzard doesn’t take away that it was poorly received because of the transmog options, but rather because of the fact that it was on gnomes.
on the other hand, they could have done something like this to a highly requested race and then people would have complained endlessly about how they ruined them.
Goblins. They share the rig with some new animations, but they’re the only allied race that’s a separate species from its parent race, which is why Alliance players get mad about mechagnomes because they’re just a gnome offshoot.
What did you think was going to happen? They were setting up allied races to be variants of existing races. People were long saying gnomes were overdue for some good content and they got it by a landslide. Another thing to keep in mind. When shadowlands comes out and allied race requirements go away, mechagnome pop will likely get much higher.
Alliance already had gnomes, and instead of making them customizable,
people often say races should be customization to marginalize and put down fans of something they don’t like. Just look at how most allied race are. They variants. Mechagnomes really shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Personally I think almost all the Allied races could have been done better as unlocks. IE an alternate cosmetic design. That way you didn’t have to level a brand new toon.
Oh and your constant rude commentary about how people who play mechagnomes are somehow mentally challenged … that’s a fast way to enter the Ignore List. Because if you’re nasty like this, you’re probably nasty in all sorts of other ways.
All of the Blizz Devs play horde and alliance is an afterthought.
Both sides wanted Vulpera, but surprise surprise, horde got them. Alliance got gnomes with diapers and fat humans who can’t put the sausage links down. Yes yes, it took some intern a week to design the fat humans.
Next races will be something like ogres and Sethrak for horde and midgets and sumo wrestlers for alliance.
Yea and thats why I say I am happy these people didn’t get their requested allied race to some extent. Blizzard would be rewarding this kind of behavior. The perception I have of the Sethrak fanbase is very bad cause of this constant bashing and one thing I cannot stand is people who pick on minorities. This is exactly what the sethrak fanbase is doing to mechagnome fans.
I may have some issues with how they set up transmog options, but I’m not going to be nasty about it.
I mean, I play one. Probably not as seriously as other toons, but I do play one. And I’m certainly not challenged in any way. Except for people constantly challenging my patience and tolerance levels.
You seem reasonable and many are. Fezzy and Nazendra from the Sethrak thread are very nice to mechagnome fans even if some of them don’t necessarily like them. These people I have a lot of respect for. I wanted gilgoblins, but I am not going around bashing Vulpera and being hostile to vulpera fans. People need to learn some common human decency.
I’ve had nothing but pleasant encounters with the sethrak community.
If you are a fan of races like naga, ogres, sethrak of course, vulpera or other more popular races, you’d get along with them very nicely. But they don’t like mechagnomes so mechagnome fans aren’t exactly treated nicely by them all the time. Some of the core people driving the push for sethrak have said that they believe all mechagnome fans are just supporting them to spite sethrak fans, which isn’t true.