Were Allied Races a mistake?

Do I? huh, never noticed.

The allied races help add more depth to the game and the overall experience. It’s another thing that help players work towards something and another form of something to do. WoW has a lot of different ways to play now and there are plenty of people that enjoy just unlocking new things.

So if a player doesn’t feeling like running a raid or dungeon, they have several other options to find enjoyment in the game. Allied races can help with that, as well as pets, the achievement systems and etc…

It’s a nice touch and would like to see Blizzard expand on the allied races even more in future updates!

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Allied races were a misstep for those of us who already had all classes at max in legion for mage tower.

As I see people either have one of every class. Or they have multiples of 1-3 classes. By the point of their introduction, people had already done one of the above. So adding more character burden made adoption annoying, unless said allied race was desirable for fighting.

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I really liked unlocking allied races (well, except for that final rep grind at the end - but they’ve done away with that). I actually enjoyed the endless quest lines and getting the required achievements, because for once there was a worthwhile reward at the end.

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Kind of wish we could repeat it on alts if we so chose. Just to experience the story again. Yes I’m weird.


Idk why this tickled me so much but I legit laughed out loud and got the “no joy at work, Svelte!” from my coworker for it. :skull:

Anyway my take on ARs is that, yeah, some of the requirements for them ought to get a bit more lax. There are some races that are genuinely easy to come by just through gameplay, and others that require a Wowhead Master’s just to parse through the guide to getting if you missed that AR’s expansion when it was current. I think I’ve got them all now, and got some of them prior to other restriction relaxations, and I still wouldn’t be mad if Blizz made them even easier to come by.

I think the best suggestion I’ve seen on the forums is just making the unlock quest chain the way to get them, without having to play through all of that expansion’s storylines and meta achievements and reputation grinds etc. Keep the story part in so people understand what they’re getting, but drop the other complicated stuff, and make it obvious in-game how to go about unlocking these things with one of those big fat guided quest chains like the modern content gets.


A lot of them shoukd have been customisations for existing races with other races being added instead.

Lightforged should have been customisations with the broken being an allied race

Maghar should be customisations with ogres being an allied race

Mechagnomes and Highmountain should have been customisations with something else being allied races in their stead


good examples. id scrap void/fake blood elves for skinny humans or anything else really. i just want new races

Yes, mistake.


Proof? declining interest and the dev’s desperate attempts at rekindling what they lost, aka allied races.

This largely put to the bed the endless, long standing demand for High Elves in the Alliance. When Blizzard decided to give BE blue eyes it increased the issue, and anger tenfold. Now High Elves are pretty much gone as an issue.

Hunters only I believe? It would not have changed the High Elf demands.

Disagree. Void Elves seemed to be along the lives of “uh-oh, we forgot to make a second allied race for the Alliance in Legion, what can we cook up?” I’m not sure how this directly impacts normal play (I was largely indifferent on the whole matter until the blue eyes bit), but for RP it helped a lot. Many players already played VE as HE, now they could at least look the part. It likely upped things 110% given the importance of reality and use of lore.

We would still be inundated with “Give the Alliance High Elve megathreads.” as well as the blue eye - horde favoritism issue.

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I don’t they where a mistake with what we had in bfa.

Most of them can be improved upon like model toggles for lfd.

I do think we can use more, examples beung hozen and jynyu.

What was a mistake though is ret-conning void elves from being mutated from the void.

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They really only gave us one new race. Other than that we got Alliance blood elves, horde night elves, and slightly different gnomes, humans, draenei, dwarves, orcs, trolls and tauren. Vulpera should have been a both faction race and the others could have been customizations.

People really love Vulpera don’t they?


No but Blizzard better give us the rest of the heritage armours for them and the OG races they promised, STILL waiting on my human and orc heritage armour that isn’t like the stuff we got in WoD.

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No it did not lol. And it just made ppl more angry at that.

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Not a mistake, just a very lazy implementation with poor customizations.


It doesn’t matter how high the demand was. The fact is that high elves already existed in the game as belves.

No all velves have dark ranger skins, not just hunters despite the fact that no velf was ever turned and now horde has only one dark ranger while alliance has two when dark angers we’re originally a horde flavor.
#hordefavortism am I right?

Velves can literally have blond hair with void tentacles and dark ranger eyes and skin, wth is that?? There’s no consistency what so ever. At least in legion/bfa you knew what a velf was. Not you have 3 races in one. It’s a mess.

How is it different than it is now?? No matter how you spin it a velf is a velf. You have velf racials, you turn into a void skin as a proc. Regular helves can’t do that. So why couldn’t they have just made them into a worgen situation?


It’s so weird that this word has morphed into it’s current usage.

“So what if I’m afk during LFR, stop gatekeeping”

“Ugh, what kind of gatekeeper says I should be healing if I queued as a healer”

“So ridiculous, why is blizzard gatekeeping my access to X, by making me do it’s associated content”

“This is insane, the amount of gatekeeping in expecting me to join a group for group content, I should be able to solo this”


I wish I could properly state my opinion on normal skin tone Velves that wouldn’t cause hate but I cannot.

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Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion

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